The Matrix

Jan 23, 2009 10:39

I'm going to do an lj-cut, because this will more than likely contain spoilers.

I think we've all heard of it by now. The surreal futuristic world where we are no longer free- but are grown in fields by machines to fill their need for power. Depending on them to survive in a digital version of the world before a war against ourselves and the AI we created. The first film made us question out reality. Dejavu is a glitch in the Matrix- and chicken tastes like everything because the program wasn't sure just what exactly chicken tasted like. We learn we are nothing more than comatose bodies in a placenta like tomb. All we know is a lie- the real world is not real at all- just a mesh of numbers, letters, and symbols that make up complex programes to keep our minds active.

We meet Thomas Anderson, who we then begin to know as Neo. His hacker name. Neo has the average nine to five- but makes his real living off hacking software... not that you can tell by his crummy flat. But that's okay, as he's not there much longer from the beginning of the film. He's found by Trinity and Morphius, seemingly hacker gods... but who are in fact more than that. They're free, they're able to go in and out of the Matrix as they please. They know the truth- the truth Neo so badly wants. It's that gut feeling that there is something more- and in this case- he's right.

And suddenly it's about picking a red pill or a blue pill- go back to sleep, or wake up. Of course Neo chooses the red pill, and further down the rabbit hole we go. Though I must say, this Alice is terribly handsome. And there we are- reality. The real world... or what's left of it. A painful reminder of just where technoligy can lead us if we go to far. When we can finally wrap our minds around the truth- and what exactly the Matrix is- we head towards the main event.

Why was Neo brought out of the Matrix- what are these Agents? And when did Hugo Weaving get such a good American accent? And most importantly... is Neo truly... The One? He's not so sure about that... but Morphius is very certain of this. And soon enough, it's time to prove himself. Of course, but now we know Kung-Foo, and have had some awesome action sequences... but the best are yet to come. Neo's fast... faster than anyone before him... impressive. But that's not enough... he still doesn't believe in himself.

Drama ensues as Morphius is captured and Neo and Trinity go to the rescue- again, more freaking awesome action scenes. But then we find our smexy hero trapped... with no Trinity or Morphius to help... And our evil friend Ageny Smith ready to open a can of whoop-ass. Oh no!? Oh yes. And now Neo can see it- as he takes a beating... and gives one right on back. You can't keep a good guy down... for long. And what is this... does Neo finally believe he is, in fact, The One?

His faith is tested not so long after that ego boost. And for a few moments, there is fear that we have, in fact, lost our hero. It can't be, we all know he's The One... but then why is he effing DEAD? Well, because sometimes you have to die a little to learn how immortal you are. And he's back in action, doing cool tricks with bullets, and getting rid of Agent Smith. And that's it. He kicked ass, he saved the day, he is- The One. The end, right? Well of course not, we have two more movies to go!

We find our hero with more hair in the next film... which I won't complain about, he has great hair. And he his style within the Matrix has matured a good bit. But there's a problem- not just freeing people from the Matrix, no they're doing pretty good there... it's the machines. They're out for blood... and Neo's been having from terrible dreams. So we head to Zion, the last city left on earth... and you know we've all wanted to see it since it's mention in the first film. And it's pretty cool... it has a refugee feel to it, yet it's filled with highly advanced technoligy... of course, it's probably all old stuff to them... it's just advanced to us.

Will Zion go to war? Will Trinity and Neo get to have sex? Will someone ignore the asshole who hates Morphius? The answer to all these, is YES! And the sex is pretty hot. After the huge party for the end of existance, and naked bums... we venture back out into the world to connect back into the Matrix. But something is not right... Agent Smith isn't as dead as we thought it was. And there seems to be a lot more of him. And of course, lest we forget, we have more kick ass fight scenes. Though my only complaint is that some of said scenes are obviously computer animated... but still very cool.

Suddenly we're thrown into a room with a lot of TVs... which is seriously amusing. And we're told that Neo isn't so much The One, as he is, The Five... and you know what... we don't really give a damn what that old Architech says... Neo is The One... and he's not going to take any bull. And we have some not so good things set in action.

We can't stay in the Matrix though... those pesky sentinals are after the team... they're those lovely spider-like machines we meet in the first film. But instead of a narrow escape like in the last film... the ship is wrecked... and the team is in deep shit. But something has changed... it seems Neo has brought some of the Matrix out with him... and he stops the sentinals in their tracks... but it puts him in a coma... oh dear. Not good at all. Then of course, they have to go and end the film there and make us whine and beg for them to hurry and get the third out.

Which they did. Yay!

So now our hero is in a coma, and there is this creepy guy coming into the story. But what's important is that Neo... has managed to get himself stuck in the Matrix... without getting hooked up. And he's stuck at a subway station... that he can't seem to get himself out of... mainly because of the very gnarly looking train man... not very pretty... but kinda a cool character. It's okay though, Trinity is there to save the day. And they're free, and Neo is out... and conscious. But what about that pesky Agent Smith? Well, we have to hop back into the Matrix to start working on that... and the immenant doom of what's left of mankind.

The team has to split up though... Morphius and a mixed crew head back to Zion... and Trinity and Neo head to The Source. And we are on the edge of our seats from here on out. There are awesome action scenes, and brilliant graphics... and the humans kick some ass, and Morphius and the gang get there just in time to save them. But as fate would have it... they messed up other stuff... so the second wave of bad guys hurry on over.

Suddenly it seems like hope is lost, and we're brought back to Trinity and Neo. And that creepy guy... well he's really Agent Smith... and he causes a lot of trouble. And we all die a little inside as Neo is very badly wounded. But the poor dear isn't about to give up... and they finally get on thier way. The journey is hard, but they make it... With a crash landing... and we have tragety... and we die a little more inside. Neo bucks up and heads out into the open of The Source... and that stupid old bloke shows up again... in machine faced form... but he lets Neo talk... and then agrees to peace if Neo stops Agent Smith...

Neo does. Peace. But no battle is won without it's losses. And though the human race has been saved... we're left hurting. We've lost so many of our friends on the way... and some losses... they're more than one can bare. And it's safe to say that any of us that are really into the Matrix... sobbed a bit at the end. And then took a breath... and sobbed a bit more.

But the Oricle gives us a glimmer of hope... that perhaps... this is not truly the end. And though it's terribly painful... there is almost something bittersweet. And that doesn't really matter because ours hearts will hurt for several hours after this.

The End
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