Very good radio play...

Jun 27, 2008 03:51

I'm listening the BBC Radio production of  "Crowded Street". Wherein James D'Arcy is playing the part of Godfrey Neale... and though it was lovely to hear his voice... but I related to Muriel so... my god I'm so terribly sad, and teary... I feel her pain. If I were to live in forties, I would imagine my life much the same... and truly, my life is the same now. It really, really hits home... my goodness. Poor, poor Muriel! I feel her pain... her great love for Godfrey... and his love for another. And moments when she felt, there was perhaps a chance... only to have it brutally crushed. She was always an outcast... she could do little right in societies eyes, and the eyes of her family... I could relate to her as if the story were in fact about me. Oh dear Muriel- Oh I am heart broken... my dear...
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