[ftm] 10.7 - fall out boy lyrics

Jan 20, 2009 12:01

NOTE: The song Alegria is singing is this one from Cirque de Soleil. Alegria is brillo_abajo and used with generalized permission from the mun, and lots of tender loving care. Blame me if it's ooc. ;p

I wanna scream 'I love you' from the top of my lungs
But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Serena…coma la rabia de amor…Allegria…como un asalto de felicidad…”

It was the middle of the night in Sunset Park, and he was content to just listen and feel as Alegria played her guitar and sang. The grass was cool and damp beneath the blanket they sat on, his guitar planted faithfully in his lap, but his arms were folded across the top with his chin resting atop them.

Her voice carried up and out into the darkness, down and straight through the heart of him. He could feel her power bubbling in his blood, the force of a thousand songs screaming in his head and heart just waiting to be written…but he could also feel that the words, the notes, weren’t for the artists in her care. They belonged to him and him alone.

She finally trailed off, opening her eyes to smile at him and laugh. “You look like the cat that swallowed the canary, mi amor.”

Grinning, he straightened and let his hand wander over the strings of his guitar, plucking out a soft, idle tune on the open strings to match the lazy joy he felt in listening and watching her.

“I am glad you liked it...your song inspired me to write my own.”

Bringing his hand to Penny’s neck, he plucked out a sharper tune, dubious and wary as he raised an eyebrow at her.

“It’s not so hard to believe…and stop that!” she giggled, shoving his arm gently, playfully. “I want to hear your voice if you’re going to talk to me.”

Laughing, Ryder finally laid Penny aside on the blanket and shifted to crawl forward as Alegria did the same. Gently forcing her back onto the blanket, he propped himself up on his elbows as she lay back and he leaned in to kiss her, slow and warm as the stars shone down overhead.

“I’m no muse.” He informed her after several long, blissfully air-deprived moments.

“You are mine.”

“I ain’t worthy.”

Her features grew sad at that, a frown marring her lovely features as her hand lifted to trail over his face. He stilled over her, letting her do as she pleased. It was usually such a hard thing for him to trust, to be weak in the presence of anyone that had power over him…

…but she was so different. He gave her nothing when he offered up his heart and soul to her, because she gave him back more than just a simple state of being. She gave him music…she gave him love he didn’t deserve.

He felt that love as her fingertips spoke through skin on skin, telling him without words as they remembered the bump in his nose where it had been broken more than once, the coarse lines of his goatee, the lines of age that marked the hardship of the years he’d seen.

“You are worthy.” she assured him softly, speaking silently with her hands as she took his face between them.

Shutting his eyes, he leaned into her touch, head tipping as he returned the words he rarely spoke aloud. It wasn’t that he feared them, and it wasn’t that he needed to be ready…it was the wild delight of a secret knowledge he didn’t want the world to hear.

To speak them aloud meant someone would hear, someone would know that he’d stumbled across Heaven while strumming his guitar.

Shifting to stretch out beside her, he wrapped an arm around her waist and laid his head against her chest, listening to the sound of her heart beating…the rhythm of the universe, the endless song that few would ever hear.

Her hands found his arm, his head, stroking over his hair, speaking to him endlessly. He was her instrument, and beneath her fingers his heart sang to the night as clearly as her voice had…as pure and as sweet as any voice ever could.

Muse: Mays Ryder
Fandom: Highlander (OC)
Words: 655

what - music, who - alegria moreno, faerie tale muses, ftm - challenges

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