Years roleplaying: I think the last time I estimated it, it was around thirteen years? That was back when I made my musebox, so it's pretty up to date. This will likely be the fourteenth year, though.
Least favourite character? Mogi Natsuki
Favourite characters? (I bet this turns out to be long.) Harle [Chrono Cross], Kidd [Chrono Cross], Caim of Caerleon [Drakengard / Drakengard 2], Zhang He [Dynasty Warriors], Rinoa Heartilly [Final Fantasy VIII], Kuja [Final Fantasy IX], Paine [Final Fantasy X-2], Shuyin [Final Fantasy X-2], Marth of Altea [Fire Emblem 1], Jareth [Labyrinth], Ronfar [Lunar 2], Tenjou Utena [Revolutionary Girl Utena], Lee Chaolan [Tekken], Nabooru [The Legend of Zelda], Sheik [The Legend of Zelda], Zelda of Hyrule [The Legend of Zelda], Jack Van Burace [Wild Arms]
Male or female characters? I play more females than males usually, but sometimes I'm really just in the mood to play men.
Oldest character? Probably Rinoa Heartilly; I was playing her way before I made my entrance on LJ.
Newest character? I haven't actually played with her yet, but Lebreau from FFXIII. I'm waiting on this, though. Definitely want to play her, though.
Most popular character? Hm. Strangely enough Arioch gets a lot of attention. I guess it's because she's really controversial and what not.
Character you've never played? Tidus from FFX. There's absolutely no way I could do it without wanting to punch myself in the face. xD
[ Which character of yours would be most likely to... ]
Jump off a bridge? Probably Caim. He's not a happy guy.
Get drunk and pass out? Ronfar. |3
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Arioch.
Get married? I'm thinking Zhen Ji.
Be far too hyper for their own good? Excel. >:|
Rape somebody? Uhm. Hrm. I don't really play anyone like that, but I guess it'd be Kashiwagi Noriko.
Be raped? D-derp. Shana.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Rikku.
Get lung cancer? Lee Chaolan, I would guess.
Star in a horror movie? Harle. xD
Star in a whore movie? Kashiwagi Noriko.
Star in a video game? I'm assuming these are all if the character had the choice. Michael Jon Carter / Booster Gold.
Make the world a better place? Zelda. Duh.
Have a torrid gay love affair? Eli Fresca. Caim. xD;
[ Relate each word to a character of yours: ]
Love: Deedlit
Hate: Caim
Money: Tethys
Seduction: Midna
Lies: Kuja
Tragedy: Arioch
Manipulation: Jareth
Violence: Caim
Politics: Zelda
Fire: Kidd
Ice: Paine
[ Would you ever... ]
Play a prostitute? I totally would.
Play a musician? Yes! And I already do.
Play a pilot? Uh. I'd have to research it some, but sure.
Play a homosexual? I have. I do.
Play a pedophile? I'm really tempted to. I'd like to, but I think the rest of the world would gun me down.
Play a politician? I have. I do.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? No.
Play a character who commits incest? I have. I do.
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