I don't really have anything too interesting to say, so this is going to be a real easy and to-the-point entry.
The lights in the living room burnt out today at 17:00.
We don't have anything to replace them with, though, so using the light from the kitchen. ^^
And Sammy just walked in the door.
Chapter 3 of [
Condemned] is done.
I was in a writing mood today. :3~
Like Chapter 2 I have some mixed feelings on it.
Want to RP like crazy.
My dreams are still flying about of Akio x Utena, and it makes me flail a little.
Looking forward to seeing our Anthy come back eventually (whenever Kei-ko comes back; she's been busy with that dreaded thing known as school, just like Li-chi-ko), because... well... It'll be such an interesting welcome.
Utena: "...Akio-san is here."
Anthy: "......" -frowns-
Utena: "....... I tried to punch him, but it didn't really work out."
My mind is twisted, yes.
It's time for me to pester Sha-ko now. ^^