Feb 24, 2004 17:47
Well the past two days I got out of school at 10:10 because of PSSA's. I really needed this break. I still have work to do its just not due til Thursday. PSSA's are a pain in the ass but they have been pretty easy so far. Yesterday it was Persuasive...it was Are Extracurricular activities important and should they be taken away? and then today it was Narrative and it was DeScribe your first day at a new job. It was reallly easy. Yesterday after PSSA's me and KElly CLine went to my house to get some stuff then to Parkside to get stuff from my mom and to giver her something and hten we went to KElly's house. We had to do these damn arpilleras for spanish. I cut myslef with the scissors once, got stabbed with a needle 5 times and had spray glue all over me and I'm still no where near finished. IT sucks. We ordered pizza and breadstick which were yummy and we felt liek pigs. Lol it was fun...we talked and we called people and then someone called back later and I hung up on them ...lol Kel..that was funny. THen we went to lacrosse which sucked yesterday. THere was liek 10 people there. THen I came home and slept for 2 hours. Today after PSSA's me KElli C. and VIckie went to Wendy's and then to Kelli's house. THat was fun lol...We have lots of pics..they'll be on Vick's site. THen ME and Vick went to lacrosse today...it was fun. Came home and now I'm making Cd's...gotta get my homework done today because I wont have time tomorrow. Well that's basically it...See ya!