My childhood music heroes from the 1980s, the Norwegian pop duo "Knutsen & Ludvigsen" - famous for their positive and happy songs written for kids (that also worked incredibly well for those far older, may I say) during the 70s and the 80s - have suddenly been reduced from a duo to one single member. Gustav "Ludvigsen" Lorentzen died tragically this afternoon from cardiac arrest during a
foot orienteering race in Bergen, Norway. He was only 62 years old.
I will remember the smile, the enthusiasm and the trademark black & white tangent piano tie. He and his partner in crime, Øystein Dolmen, taught me and my entire generation to discover and appreciate music when we grew up, for which I am eternally grateful.
RIP, Gustav. Takk for alle de nydelige musikalske minnene du og Øystein ga meg og alle i min generasjon. Du vil bli sårt savnet.
In memory of Gustav:
"Savnevise" ("Song About How It's Like To Miss Someone"). Øystein "Knutsen" Dolmen sings.