I don't think you're expecting this of me, but based off of your application as a whole...I'm going to vote you in as Klavier Gavin. The following are my reasons from your major traits -
+ Strong Points and Traits: Not only wanting to get a job done, but getting it done well; leading people through things in a way they can understand; desire to find a solution in conflict due to disliking conflict, not necessarily through personal interest in solving the problem; sarcasm; ongoing desire for change; generally laid-back; only giving in to arguments through the desire to do so, not being a pushover
+ Weak Points and Traits: Moody; taking out frustration on others; perfectionism; my-way-is-best-but-be-wrong-if-you-want attitude toward problem-solving; impatience; somewhat inappropriate sense of humor; getting bored easily
+ Likes: Writing (Klavier is a lyricist); music; a good amount of colors falling within Klavier's color scheme; art; traveling
+ Dislikes: Feeling trapped (he doesn't seem to like having to do one thing for too long); stupid people and the entertainment therein
On top of this, there's also the 'Rational or Emotional' response, which I feel sums him up pretty well, and the lack of desire to condemn the innocent.
+ Strong Points and Traits: Not only wanting to get a job done, but getting it done well; leading people through things in a way they can understand; desire to find a solution in conflict due to disliking conflict, not necessarily through personal interest in solving the problem; sarcasm; ongoing desire for change; generally laid-back; only giving in to arguments through the desire to do so, not being a pushover
+ Weak Points and Traits: Moody; taking out frustration on others; perfectionism; my-way-is-best-but-be-wrong-if-you-want attitude toward problem-solving; impatience; somewhat inappropriate sense of humor; getting bored easily
+ Likes: Writing (Klavier is a lyricist); music; a good amount of colors falling within Klavier's color scheme; art; traveling
+ Dislikes: Feeling trapped (he doesn't seem to like having to do one thing for too long); stupid people and the entertainment therein
On top of this, there's also the 'Rational or Emotional' response, which I feel sums him up pretty well, and the lack of desire to condemn the innocent.
So yes. As far as I'm concerned, Klavier it is.
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