Name: Noah
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Does it matter which gender you are rated as?: No, sir.
Strong Points and Traits:
As always, I have a bit of trouble filling out this section of any application because I don't really think that I have any "strong" traits of note. Of course, I can make microwaveable dinners and speak good English, but those things aren't very impressive, are they? I suppose you could say that I'm easy to get along with. I seem to accumulate a lot of acquaintances/friends without much difficulty. But that's about all I can say for myself.
Weak Points and Traits:
I have self-esteem issues bordering on the inane, which makes it really difficult for me to have any serious relationships. I also have a small lying compulsion problem, but that's a little bit easier for me to control, since this has gotten me in trouble in the past.
Singing, writing, acting, sketching, reading, listening to music (and singing along with it loudly), lighting candles, going to shows (like operas and movies), figuring things out by putting two and two together, being liked, drinking tea, knowing things that other people don't, rings, clocks, roman numerals, intelligent conversation, and odd laughter.
Mirrors, being rejected, feeling ignorant, talking on the telephone, intensive labour, going to the beach, anxiety dreams, most fruit, people who don't know when to stop talking, rhyming poetry, and awkwardness.
I write, sing, act, sketch, and dance. My life revolves around fine arts more often than not. I play the guitar and the piano, and I like to learn languages on my own time when I don't have too much on my plate.
I suppose you could call my above hobbies "skills", but there's no guarantee that I'm very good at any of those things. So I'll just file a big "N/A" under this one.
Introverted or Extroverted?:
It depends on the situation. I never speak at all when I'm among people I don't know, but if I'm with my friends/acquaintances, I'm always engaged in what's going on.
Rational or Emotional?:
I like to think that I'm rational when I need to be, but I have a hard time remaining objective when circumstances involve me personally.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:
I'm going to be defiant and say that I'm more realistic.
Dominant or Submissive?:
It depends on the situation. I'm constantly self-conscious, so I'm usually not very dominant, but if I'm with someone that I'm comfortable with, anything could happen.
Large Groups or Small Groups?:
I have no preference. It's easier to get a word in with a small group, but large groups tend to be filled with more ideas (since there are several different people).
Cautious or Impulsive?:
I rarely do things without thinking about them first, because I've had bad experiences with impulse behaviour.
Favorite Character:
I love them all for different reasons. Spark Brushel is eccentric and fun to interact with, Phoenix is a wonderful jerk, Kristoph is amazing in so many ways, and Klavier is just...well, I'll call him "sexy" against my better judgment.
Least Favorite Character:
I don't like Valant at all. He's just...tch. I like Zak just fine, but Valant is a whoreface. His cross-examination in the last case killed me.
Favorite Case:
The fourth case, because the end was pure and undeniable gold. I love Kristoph. I also enjoyed the Lamiroir one because it was fast-paced and I enjoyed the characters.
Least Favorite Case:
I didn't like the second one too much, because Apollo was still learning and all of the irrelevant errands at the beginning were irritating.
Would you rather be a Defense Attorney, Prosecutor, Witness, or Defendant?
Hmm. Well, I'm already planning on becoming a District Attorney in real life, but in the game I'd rather be the detective. That way I have power over whether or not the defense attorney gets to investigate my crime scene, ku ku ku...
Post a Picture of Yourself: Links to Three Applications: Do You Want the Japanese or English Character Name on Your Stamp?: English, please.
Anything Else?: Er, not really. There's not much to tell about me--that I want to share, that is.