Contact Info
Name: Ellie
Personal journal:
sunnysummonerAIM: a lovely decline
MSN: sunnysummoner [at] live [dot] com
E-mail + Gtalk: a.lovely.decline [at] gmail [dot] com
You can also PM me either at this journal or my personal journal. Don't be shy about using my
HMD either!
Permissions Meme
CHARACTER NAME: Apollo Justice
CHARACTER SERIES: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Backtagging: Yes! I'll backtag forever, so don't be shy about picking up a tag again, even if it's been awhile.
Threadhopping: I don't mind generally. Make sure if there's another character involved, though, that the player is okay with it.
Fourthwalling: That's fine. He'll just look at your character like they're crazy anyway.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I...have no idea what this means. If you think something might be offensive and want to know if I'm okay with it, just ask.
This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Hugging this character: Go for it. He'll be awkward and uncomfortable unless it's someone he knows really well, though.
Kissing this character: See above. Except multiply the uncomfortable by ten.
Flirting with this character: Sure. I won't guarantee that he'll always catch on, though.
Fighting with this character: That's fine!
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I'd prefer that you ask first, though if it's something relatively minor (anything that won't leave lasting scars/internal damage/send him to the Pokemon Center) is usually going to be a-okay.
Killing this character: N/A
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: N/A
Warnings: He's really passionate about truth! and justice! and law! He'll also sometimes press people to get them to tell him information he needs to know, though he generally won't do it if it's none of his business.
Apollo probably knows of some of the characters from Phoenix's games. He won't fourth-wall anyone, but he might ask if he's met them before, etc. Also, be careful because his threads with canonmates will occasionally be rather spoilertastic.
Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme! Thread Log
01 [video] ★ someone's going to get sued•
02 [video] ★ sweet, sweet civilization•
03 [audio/action] ★ keep your friends close and your sociopathic ex-mentors in jail •
01 Nia's re-arrival•
02 Fun with Otacon•
03 Traveling with Miles•
04 Phoenix Wright: Conquered by a Ledge•
05 Fun with Phoenix at Cherrygrove•
06 Paranoia with Heather•
07 Ema and the Space-Time Continuum•
08 Ledge: 2; AA cast: 0•
09 Prelude to Halloween Shenanigans•
10 Mental Screaming Forever•
11 Apollo and Klavier Have a Falling Out•
12 Sora: As Nosy as Apollo•
13 AA logic vs. Doctor Who Logic November
04 [video/action for Violet] ★ ominous things•
05 [accidental audio/action for Violet] ★ like Holmes without a Watson. •
Bitching at the Doctor•
GDIT, Phoenix•
Where'd she go? 8(•
You are not James Bond•
The first sign of danger•
Stop getting sick.•
Having a pity party•
Seeing double•
Fountain of knowledge•
Oh thank god.•
Not a grumpy old man for once•
Surrounded by cute girls•
Fire and justice!1!•
More about Dahlia with the Doctor•
Well, hello, Ten•
The magical return of the amazing Trucy Wright•
Congratulations, Cocona!•
Nyarlathotep isn't here, Tacchan. (Yet.)•
Law and Order. Just without the law or order.•
I don't think that word means what you think it means•
Phoenix is seriously ridiculously lucky•
Oh Hetalia •
Trying to prevent Bad Things; getting scarred for life.•
Magic show*~ December
Explaining seasons to Nia.•
Talking shop with Arthur•
It's really not like that, France.•
I don't want to know how many berries you had to throw up.•
Not ominous or anything