(no subject)

Dec 01, 2010 18:12

In Character Information

character name: Rossiu Adai
Fandom: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Timeline: Post-Canon
character's age: Around 22

powers, skills, pets and equipment: Rossiu has no supernatural abilities in canon. Upon arriving at Anatole, he will develop the power of foresight; he’d be able to sense, for example, when monsters are coming, when people with bad intentions are near (but not necessarily when people have good intentions or what those intentions are specifically), and when the mist around him is rising in its level (he’s still affected by the mist, however). He’d also be able to see possible future outcomes that are triggered by making certain decisions -- however, doing this in-game would require OOC plotting so that all players agree on the possible future.

canon history: Link: http://gurrenlagann.wikia.com/wiki/Rossiu

Rossiu serves as a foil to Simon as well as someone who grounds the people around him at large in reality. While the vast majority of Simon’s crew is very ambitious but fairly short-sighted -- that is, they find a goal and attack it head on -- Rossiu is the one who contemplates motives of others and the consequences of launching into something head-first. This role is what makes him the “bad guy” in the second arc -- since he knows that jailing Simon will placate the people long enough to save them, this is what he chooses to do. He also knows that attacking the Mugann head-on will result in many civilian casualties, which is why he chooses to take people into space instead.

personality: Three things define Rossiu -- rules, justice, and business. Simon calls him, “a man who likes to be tied down,” but Rossiu simply requires structure. As a young boy, Rossiu was very religious; as a grown man, he is a man of the law. For every criminal, he holds a trial for their crime. For every man, there is a role; Rossiu is constantly reminding Simon of his role as Supreme Commander, not soldier, during the latter half of the series. To satisfy Rossiu, everything must work in systematic order; should it not, he will fix this by any means necessary. The ends may to justify the means, no matter how reluctant Rossiu may be.

In the face of crisis, Rossiu can immediately take charge should the role be left open for him. He can easily assert this position if he is unopposed, for he is an excellent public speaker (see episode 19, the urgent government message). Should the man originally in charge reclaim his role to Rossiu’s satisfaction, however, Rossiu will return to his subordinate position to maintain the working order of the system. He is not power-hungry by any means; he does what is necessary and makes necessary sacrifices, just as a beta wolf would overthrow an incompetent alpha in a wolf pack.

Rossiu does not willingly share his emotions unless he is with people close to him or feeling very strongly (usually terror, embarrassment, or anger escape his stoicism most often). He exercises extreme emotional restraint; he can stand there without batting an eye while someone tosses insults and perhaps a few punches at him. However, he flusters often, particularly when someone acts outside of the realm of his calculated plan. This flustering easily grows into frustration. He is notorious for condescending people in such situations if his point is not being taken. It is difficult for Rossiu to admit that he is wrong; when he admits to himself that the way he handled the Anti-Spiral fiasco was unjust, he chooses to attempt suicide to atone, and tells no one.

scorched, ooc, application

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