L's met a lot of people in the mansion, but there are a few that need to be mentioned, as they are important in L's life. Their relationships will be described here.
Elle (
Pink has liked Elle since he met him. Their very first meeting, Pink flirted with him, though it may not have been too obvious. The two have been friends, and Pink enjoys being around him and spending time with him. Elle and Pink are together now, and Pink loves him more than anything, more than he ever has with anyone else. The two are happy together, and Pink wants nothing more than to be with Elle for a long time to come.
So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you
And I'm longing, for words to describe how I'm feeling
I'm feeling inspired
My world just flip turned upside down
It turns around, say what's that sound
It's my heart beat, it's getting much louder
My heart beat, is stronger than ever
I'm feeling so alive, I'm feeling so alive
- A Twist in my Story by Secondhand Serenade
Watari (
ibuttlesir )
This is Pink's closest advisor and sort of father figure. Of all of the people Pink knows, he trusts Watari the most (with the exception of Lex,really). He always has. Watari may not regard Pink as a son, but Pink thinks of Watari as a sort of father, or at least parental figure in some way. He's always trying to make things easier for Watari, and he often will stubbornly do things for him, even if Watari can do it himself. Watari has also been extremely helpful in keeping Pink sane, and Pink is grateful to him for it.
-L and Watari's Theme-
"When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home,
And ignite your bones,
And I will try to fix you."
- Fix You, by Coldplay
Misa (
misamisal )
This Misa is L's best friend, or who he considers his best friend, anyway. The two met a while back, when Misa was trapped in a basement-like area with a head wound. L found her and nursed her back to health, and the two became instant friends. It also helps that this Misa isn't a complete ditz like some of the other ones, which L likes. Misa has helped him through several issues, has been his emotional support when L felt like he had nobody to go to, and he loves her as a friend very much.
-L and Misa's Theme-
"Sometimes the best cowboys
Ain't cowboys at all
She's got my back
Even when it's against the wall
When I need a friend
She's the guy to call
'Cause sometimes the best cowboys
Ain't cowboys at all."
-That Girl is a Cowboy, Garth Brooks
Mello & Matt (
mellorama &
matterific )
These two are from Pink's world. Having grown up with them, Pink is very close to Mello and Matt and considers them his brothers. Pink had just about given up on ever seeing the two again, but now they're here, and are working hard on finding a way to save L-- and themselves-- from Kira. Pink doesn't see the point, but he'll help as much as he can. Most of the time, Pink refers to his Mello as Miha, and his Matt as Matty (he'd call him Mail, but it just isn't a very good nickname, honestly.) and is very affectionate, just like an older brother. He finds the fact that Mello and Matt were not surprised about his being gay very amusing. As well as the fact that Matt and Mello are so obviously crushing on each other-- that's funny, too. If push comes to shove, Pink will sacrifice himself for either of these boys.
Songs Pending~
Singy (
isalright )
Though Singy may not know it, Pink thinks very highly of this L. Singy has a knack for keeping Pink from being too depressed, and is also a huge comfort most of the time. He's helped Pink out of more than a few distressing situations, and is one of the people Pink thinks of when he's trying not to hurt himself. Singy is another one of those people Pink would do just about anything for and not even think about the consequences. In terms of his friends, he likes to think of Singy as his best male friend as a counterpart to Misa, who is his best female friend.
Song Pending~
-Contact Info-
If you'd like to get ahold of me for plotstuffs or epic planning or even just to chat, my AIM screenname is meepasaurqueen. Ping me! I love talking to fellow rp-ers. You can usually catch me around a lot of the time, though I prefer to be on at night, so. =]