Apr 10, 2005 23:58
ok i dunno how many of you know this but i have a dirtbike. its old but still very fast like 80 or 90 mph. its super fun. well it hasn't ran in over a year until this weekend. i got it started saturday night and it ran like crap. it was like midnight and i wast trying it without a exhaust pipe so it was super loud. surprised the nieghbors didn't care. well i put it up and then today i put the exhaust pipe and air filter on and it ran great. well not great but it ran really well. it was a little sluggish off the line but thats just a small adjustment. lol. so i was going up the alley behind my house. i completly opened it up going up the hill 3rd gear. i get to the top and start trying to stop and OH SHIT have no back brakes and very little front. so i slam the front one as hard as i can and barely stop before goign aroung the cornor a the top. but yea i should have both working tomorow night. i should be game for riding by tuesday or wednesday. woo hoo it will be so much fun. its kinda of a anger managment/stress relief tool. u just get on it and open it up and the stress and anger just melts away. its great. but yea i'm so happy about it. ok i'm so tired and i forgot till just a few minutes ago that i have an exam in physics on tuesday and i haven't studied yet. lol fun fun. later