Mar 24, 2010 18:03
YOU FUCKING LOST. If it is criminal the courts will repeal it or when the apparent landslide victory for the GOP that will replace all the dems happens the laws can be repealed. Death threats, vandalism, and racist slurs is not how this should proceed. I am venting.
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It amazes me, that in this age of ubiquitous cameraphones with video, I have yet to hear or see any of these alleged incidents documented. We're now three days out, and all I see is allegations, lectures, and admonitions. Not a second of footage of anyone actually doing any of these things. I've no doubt that it is happening (probably not any more than normal) but am just surprised that no one can back up the allegations.
Republicans are used to insults, slurs, and yes, vandalism and death threats. I suppose the difference is the Republicans are more likely to take advantage of their Second Amendment freedoms. I recommend gun ownership to any law-abiding citizen who feels threatened. Leverage that right while you still have it.
Most threats are talk, and all talk is cheap. Some are more than that... Nidal Malik Hasan, for
How about a tea party member who posted the WRONG address of house of rep democrat and the next day the gas lines at that person's house had apparently been severed?
As for the republicans being used to this that is sooo true. After all it's poor downtrodden religious right wing zealots who have gay people yelling slurs at them, abortion clinic workers calling in bomb threats at their Klan rallys, etc.
Re-read where I wrote: "I've no doubt that it is happening (probably not any more than normal) but am just surprised that no one can back up the allegations." Focus specifically on the meaning of the phrase "no doubt." Repeat as necessary.
After all it's poor downtrodden religious right wing zealots who have gay people yelling slurs at them, abortion clinic workers calling in bomb threats at their Klan rallys, etc.If you have to ask... the first things that come to mind would be church burnings, violent anti-G8 or anti-WTO demonstrations, Kaczynski and Baader-Meinhof types, etc ( ... )
I wasn't asking I definitely know that there are examples of this I was just making the same point. I guess what bothers me is that you dont seem to have any problem with this. As for your examples, the church burnings were wrong but the unabomber was not a liberal he was crazy, the g8 summit was in italy, the satanist marring of a church appears to be in england (and most satanists I've known in my life are NOT liberals they are staunchly conservative who didnt believe in sharing anything with anyone), the other church burning is related to black metal violence in norway....
as for the kids (who burned churches) I never read anything that connected their actions as a specific act of protest against any particular policy just stupidity.
Disregard. From earlier draft when I was using $1 trillion instead of $900 million and quotient was $6,666.666666666etc.
As you premise about how I would respond I would be upset if those things are what had actually happened. But they are not what the government has done.
As for the religious issue I think we are muddling political ideology and religion (easily done) and you are right it would take a lot more to sort this out. I will say that I find the religious intolerance that I see out of certain aspects of the political left really frustrating. Anyway, you are right probably best to leave this one where it is.
Dude, I had my life threatened not two months ago at a bar, by the ex-boyfriend of a friend of mine who suspected me of pursuing her. Spit on? Talk to any cop about the pleasures of public service. I do not weep for these bastards in Congress.
Every Satanist or future Satanist I grew up with and knew as a young adult was also someone still very angry with their parents.
Just my personal experience. Nothing I've ever seen in the media, which loves to fan the flames for entertainment.
And what are hate groups, if not angry teenagers who never grew up?
I wonder how they would like it if I showed up to protest a TeaBag event with my Soviet-built carbine.
Vanderboegh posted the call for action Friday on his blog, “Sipsey Street Irregulars.” Referring to the health care reform bill as “Nancy Pelosi’s Intolerable Act,” he told followers to send a message to Democrats.
“We can break their windows,” he said. “Break them NOW. And if we do a proper job, if we break the windows of hundreds, thousands, of Democrat party headquarters across this country, we might just wake up enough of them to make defending ourselves at the muzzle of a rifle unnecessary.”
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