Nov 22, 2009 14:47
Thanks to Mr.JB whobrought to my attention that the FDA is currently evaluating outlawing caffeine in alcoholic beverages. After doing some research, it appears that this comes from a bunch of state attorney and governor offices that have sent letters arguing that these beverages target underage drinking. The FDA cant ignore these comments but it sounds like they are really paying attention to this. Meanwhile we have genuine problems with our food safety that are largely ignored. The FDA has been a joke since the Regan admin and I dont think they are worth a damn. From a scientist standpoint I dont know how all these FDA researchers can keep working for an organization that simply ignores them. Grrrrr.... I am apparently very irritated today
PS: If anyone finds a petition to keep the FDA from doing this please let me know so I can sign it. I wanted to brew a coffee stout!