
Oct 22, 2009 08:52

an abnormally thounghtful Randi Rhodes show earlier this week on reporting on politics. Not surprising her arguments were focused on the right but many of her arguments really resonates for politics in general.

And a great Rachel Maddow show where she confronted the leader of a 'grass roots' health care reform organization and pointed out that the bulk of his funding came from insurance companies and various lobbyist firms as did many of their personnel. She then questioned him what was the basis for calling themselves a 'grass roots' organization. It was humorous to watch because he basically continued to repeat the same refrain rather than addressing her comments.

+++That is not to say there are not legitimate grass-roots organizations with this stance or that the left has not created faux-organizations.+++ I am making sure there is a clear break in the paragraph here since it seems like people are only half-reading some of my posts and inferring comments I did not make.

Afterwards they had a substantive argument about the public option that I found interesting. Perhaps what I enjoy the most about listening to RM is that she never raises her voice and neither do her guests. Whether they are patting each other on their liberal backs are arguing vehemently against each other everyone seems to keep a level tone on that show. Lindsay Graham appeared on her show and really impressed me for the first time...

Time to get to work. I have a million things to do today.
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