Something from Nothing

Nov 11, 2005 04:25

Ibdaa brought me closer to the human spirit, closer to the eternal, collective consciousness, closer to purity, god, love, the essence of being than any other event ever has in my life. I know the meaning of meaningful. I know the trials of faith. I know what it is to believe in something bigger than myself and that thing is the supreme cry of the youth, often abandoned, forsaken, ignored, forgotten. But always there. Always speaking and moving with ideal in tow, wanting more than the rote and the hatred and deserving it too...

If we, as denizens of nation-states, gerrymandered descendents of ethnic groups, tanned into prejudice through the dispersion of race cannot stand together under our common humanity, then perhaps we can stand together under something more specific, under a forbidden but not forgotten flag...

Maybe...just maybe.

To be a child under occupation?

Oh, the strength that I haven't got, for it takes all of me to smile sometimes.
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