Bush's approval rating is at 36 percent.
Linkage. This is lower than Nixon was during the height of Watergate.
Clinton was at 59 percent at this time in his presidency and Reagan was at 60 percent. Nixon himself was at 39 percent. Ouch.
It looks like one of the biggest cases of buyer remorse in the history of the nation. Chief among our dissatisfaction must be the Iraq Debacle (though not even addressed in the survey) which has resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 Iraqis and over 2,000 "Coalition" troops, including over 1,800 Americans. The increased focus on Iraq can be attributed Cindy Sheehan, the monthly increases in the death rate (but Dick Cheney says the insurgency is in it's "last throes") and oh yeah, the fact that all our umm, work, in Iraq has resulted in an Islamic state. Woo hoo.
Of course, to take the survey questions into account, the economy is still desperately trying to breathe, though Bush's record astronomical deficits haven't led us entirely to ruin. That's what our children can look forward to. Surprisingly enough, though many believe that their personal finances are better (or will get better in the near future) than they have been in the recent past, Bush continues on his downward spiral. This is the second month in a row that increased economic rankings have not resulted in increased job approval ratings for BushCo.
Which brings us back to Iraq. This is the issue in 2006 and beyond. If the entrenched Democratic D.C. dum-dums can't get that through their corporate skulls then the Republicans will continue to narrowly slide their greasy bodies part and parcel into our collective orifices and the Democratic base will get increasingly disillusioned with our timid representatives. But I digress.
Iraq, the war begun on a lie may end with the truth that George W. Bush will rightly go down in flames as the most unpopular US president of the 20th century, and possibly of all time. How long until the modern day Kissingers start to work backwards and claim that our upset and outrage caused the failure in Iraq and not vice versa, as is the case?
Let's wait and see.
Everyone loves to watch a train wreck. (Bush, not Iraq.)