I am an optimist (or, Here Be Fic)

Aug 16, 2011 11:36

So - this is one of those odd projects I start every once in a while. I don't generally finish (or even get very far), but here's my plan this time:

I want to work on writing characters besides the one character I identify with in each of my fandoms. I have a list of my fandoms in this 30-day meme I've been doing. 15_minute_fic has one-word prompts for the taking. Therefore, I've made a list of the main characters in each of my fandoms, and I'm planning to go right down the list matching a character to a prompt and writing a drabble (or drabbly thing) thereon.

I'm not going for the 15-minute time limit on writing, because the idea is to do the exact opposite of that - to not go for the quick, stereotyped image, but to think over the possibilities, to consider different facets of the character and hopefully come to sympathize with them a bit better.


So, after all that babbling... first drabble!

Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Character: Captain James Tiberius Kirk
Prompt: #1. Garble

(Credit to the inimitable John Masefield and to all the writers who've quoted Sea Fever on Star Trek.)

"And all I ask is a tall ship..."

There are no white clouds in space. The clouds are black, purple, pink and green; the ship is not tall, but wide and flat with a forked tail; the tide and the wind and the spray have never been felt here, nor will they be.

But she is still his ship. He is her master. Not her heart, not her brain - for those two bickering blue-clad men stand at his right and his left in his kingdom - but her indomitable will.

And he still chooses a star to steer her by.

tos: james kirk, fic, fandom: star trek tos, drabble, fandom: star trek

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