JT’s fundraising post

Jun 22, 2018 12:51

The short version

My abusive aunt just kicked me out for venting about her on Tumblr. I’m raising about $1000 to cover an apartment deposit and/or an extended-stay motel room while I look for work, plus gas and other necessities. All the shelters are full, so I’m sleeping in my car for now. I’d really appreciate some help so I can actually sleep and shower while I’m job-hunting. ;-)

My PayPal is ethanrabbits@gmail.com, my Ko-fi (basically a third-party PayPal donate button, in multiples of $3) is Ko-fi.com/JusticeTurtle, and if you’d like to help out in the longer term, my Patreon is Patreon.com/JusticeTurtle.

If you can’t give, already gave (thank you!), or if you’d like to help more, please signal boost this post! I’m not linking on my Tumblr, because I’m currently dealing with a plague of Reddit trolls - that’s who doxxed my venting posts to my aunt - but if you feel safe to do so, please feel free to link this post on your Tumblrs, Facebooks, church newsletters, wherever. Thank you all very much. ♥

The longer version

So I’ve been living with my aunt for most of a year, and she’s been getting more and more emotionally abusive, trying to “motivate” (bully) me into becoming as energetic as she is. I’d been trying since Thanksgiving to get a sleep study, since my psych issues are pretty much handled but I’m still constantly exhausted. Turns out I have severe sleep apnea: I spend roughly a third of my sleep not breathing. Apparently strangling half to death every couple minutes is really exhausting. ;P

So in the two months since my sleep study, my aunt has been constantly pestering me to get a job already, because falling asleep every few hours due to chronic oxygen deprivation is definitely curable by “just pushing through it”, “being an adult”, “sticking it out”, “doing things we don’t enjoy”, and other cheerful platitudes. Thus I’ve been keeping my head down, pretending to comply with her demands, screaming a lot on Tumblr so I don’t stab either her or myself, and trying to survive till I could get help.

I finally got a CPAP (breathing) machine last week, and it really seems to be helping. I’m super hopeful that it will fix my sleep issues so I can actually hold down a job. But then some Reddit concern trolls stumbled across my venting posts - I think because I used the term “fatphobia” in one of them - and tracked down my aunt and linked her my Tumblr. Suddenly I’m “ungrateful”, “a danger to [her]”, and summarily kicked out.

So, yeah. Sleeping in my car, which incidentally means I can’t plug in my CPAP machine! No electricity, no breathing. ;P So I really need to be living somewhere with electricity, so that I can function well enough to work a job.

I don’t, for obvious reasons, have the energy to crunch all the numbers here, but the last time I was homeless and sleeping in my car, getting me into an apartment cost about $800. Looking at the extended-stay motels in the area, the cheapest deal I’m finding also shakes out to about $800 for a month. I figure between my phone bill, my car expenses, and so forth, rounding it up to a thousand is a pretty fair estimate. (Thank god for food stamps and Medicaid.) Once I have a job, my therapist says I might be eligible for rental assistance, but I have to be employed first, and in order to be employed I have to be awake and not smell, so it’s a lovely catch-22 there. ;P


Anyway. Yes. If you read this far, thanks again! Seriously, thank you all so, so much. You’re all really saving my ass. God, I don’t know what I’d do without the internet. I would be dead so many times. Thank you. *hugs you all* ♥

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

they say jt is on the move, begging post, aunt status

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