Music lyrics meme

Nov 11, 2011 07:04

From eponymous_rose and bookblather. (Answers to the Happy Meme are coming. I'm just waiting for the sudden storm of happy-making pending events to settle down a bit so I can babble about them. *g*)

1. Open up your music player. Hit shuffle.
2. Record the first few lines of the first thirty songs that come up that do not give away the name of the song. Skip instrumentals, but don't skip the embarrassing ones.
3. Make hapless LJ denizens guess the song names and artists. Google is cheating. For musical songs, the name of the musical is acceptable in place of the artist.
4. Least hapless LJ denizen wins admiration. That's right, just like a lobbyist in budget season, the points don't matter.

Honestly, given the number of folk songs on my iTunes, I'm making artist optional. :-)

ETA: ones nobody has guessed yet are bolded. If any are left in a week, I'll post the answers. (I suspect some of them will be. *g*)

1: (not the first words)
"Get you a copper coil,
Cover with new-made corn mash,
And nevermore you'll toil"

2: (not the first words)
"The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth" [O Holy Night, guessed by meneleth, sophia_sol, bookblather]

3: (spoken) "Hey Bob, check it out! -
W-what is this, Larry? -
I took a walk around the world and look what I found!" [VeggieTales "Foreign Exchange" aka the one where they reworked their most popular songs for polka band/in Spanish/both - guessed by lost_spook, sophia_sol, solo_by_choice]

4: "Oh, the barnyard is busy in a regular tizzy
And the obvious reason is because of the season"

5: (not the first words)
"Ah, the sight and the smell of the spring in Nan-Tasarion,
And I said that was good" [In the Willow-Meads of Tasarinan by J.R.R. Tolkien, tune by William Elvin & Donald Swann; guessed by lolmac Beth]

6: (not the first words)
"There's a girl I know who makes me feel so good,
And I wouldn't live without her even if I could" [Valleri by The Monkees; guessed by dbskyler, eponymous_rose]

7: "Early in the morning, Mama would always sing,
Lord, it seemed like you and her had a special kind of thing;
I confess, I'd groan and pull the pillow on my face"

8: (not the first words)
"Papa's gonna buy you a mockin'-bird,
And if that mockin'-bird don't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull diamond ring" (ETA: sorry about that, I messed up)
(I doubt it would be possible to post non-obvious lyrics for this one. Or maybe I just have too many kid-appropriate songs burned into my brain from years of loving to babysit. *g*)
[Hush Little Baby, cover by The Weavers; guessed by dbskyler, eponymous_rose, sophia_sol, bookblather]

9: (not the first words)
"You can be here by four-thirty 'cause I've made your reservation,
don't be slow,
oh no no no, oh no no no,
An' I don't know if I'm ever comin' home" [Last Train to Clarksville by The Monkees; guessed by dbskyler, meneleth]

10: (not the first words)
"As the burdens press and the cares distress,
And the way grows weary and long"

11: "Small craft in a harbor that's still and serene
Give no indication what their ways have been;
They rock at their moorings all nestled in dreams" [Away from the Roll of the Sea, cover by Frank Patterson; guessed by sophia_sol]

12: "Baby, I know your eyes see right through my disguise,
And no one can deny,
Baby, that I'm the one whose love is no surprise,
(And he can't tell you no lie)
But there's this secret I've been hiding, I can't keep it no more
(There's this thing about himself he's never told you before)"

13: (not the first words)
"One was the little bitty baby
Was born, bo-orn, born in Bethlehem" [Children Go Where I Send Thee, cover by The Weavers; guessed by sophia_sol]

14: (not the first words)
"Sittin' on his papa's knee,
Well, he picks up a hammer and a little piece of steel,
Says hammer's gonna be the death of me, Lord Lord,
Hammer's gonna be the death of me" [John Henry, cover by Pete Seeger; guessed by neveralarch, bookblather]

15: (not the first words)
"Lord of all, we bow before thee,
All on earth thy scepter 'cclaim,
All in heaven above adore thee,
Infinite thy vast domain,
Everlasting is thy reign"
(What? Yes, my music folder is still full of hymns. :S)
ETA: not Ode to Joy, still open
[Holy God, We Praise Thy Name, not sure whose cover; guessed by pedanther]

16: "(Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum)" (oh okay)
"The moonlight shines on the sycamores,
And now they are calling to me,
In the city it's snowing, the sidewalk's glowing,
But there's somewhere I'd rather be"

17: "Time after time, you've been left behind
Like the sun when it's starting to rain,
And time after time, you've been forgotten
Like a picture that's faded with age,
Time after time, you ran after me
When I was still running away"

18: "If tomorrow all the things were gone
I've worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife,
I'd thank my God above to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom
And they can't take that away" [Proud to Be an American, not sure what artist; guessed by meneleth, bookblather]

19: "Sunset's glow hangs over the hills as the evening starts to fade,
The campfire glows; its coals shine bright to hide away the shade,
We've hiked upon the mountainside and we've watched the eagles soar,
A day like this ends peacefully; how could you ask for more?"

20: "All the colors of the rainbow,
All the voices of the wind,
Every hand that reaches out,
Reaches out to find where love begins,
Every word of every story,
Every star in every sky"

21: (not the first words)
"He's gone and leave me, he's gone and leave me,
He's gone and leave me to sorrow and mourn.
Last night in sweet slumber, I dreamed I did see,
Last night in sweet slumber, I dreamed I did see,
My own precious jewel sat smiling by me" [Once I Had a Sweetheart, cover by Joan Baez; guessed by sophia_sol

22: "Remember when the AAA killed a million hogs a day?
Instead of hogs it's men today"
(Oh folk-style songs, why so title-centric? This is tricky.)

23: (not the first words)
"Keep pressing onward, beyond your fear,
Only the Father goes before you to your own frontier"

24: (not the first words)
"I spies a poor cowboy all wrapped in white linen,
All wrapped in white linen, for they had gunned the boy down.
Well, come sit down beside me, I'll tell you my story,
This poor boy said from his lips of flame red;
Oh they done gunned me down, boys, and gone off and left me
Here in this back street just like I was dead." [Streets of Laredo, famous version by Johnny Cash, my cover by one Harry Jackson; guessed by bookblather

25: "As Mayor of the Munchkin city
In the county of the Land of Oz,
I welcome you most regally -
But we've got to verify it legally!" [Ding Dong the Witch is Dead from The Wizard of Oz; guessed by dbskyler, eponymous_rose, meneleth, bookblather]

26: (not the first words)
"He said, before the sheriff comes I wanna tell you: listen, boy,
He said, learn to ball a jack, learn to lay a track,
Learn to pick and shovel too,
And take my hammer: it'll do anything you tell it to" [John Henry's Hammer by Johnny Cash; guessed by neveralarch, bookblather]

27: (not the first words)
"Of the hard-fighting men both of honor and of fame;
She flew the Stars and Stripes of the land of the free
But tonight she's in her grave at the bottom of the sea.
What were their names, tell me what were their names"
(I recently learned that this song was originally written to include all the relevant names. I like the author for that.) [The Good Reuben James by Woody Guthrie; guessed by lolmac Beth]

28: "(Seven-A - what number is this, chaps? - Seven-A. -
Okay, I don't mean it, don't get excited, man. It's 'cause I'm short, I know.)
Oh I could hide 'neath the wings of the bluebird as she sings,
The six-o'clock alarm would never ring,
But it rings and I rise, wipe the sleep out of my eyes,
My shaving razor's cold and it stings" [Daydream Believer by The Monkees; guessed by dbskyler, meneleth]

29: (not the first words)
"Beneath the roof there is a bed,
But not yet weary are our feet, still round the corner we may meet
A sudden tree or standing stone
That none have seen but we alone" [Bilbo's Walking Song aka Upon the Hearth the Fire Is Red, by JRR Tolkien and Donald Swann; guessed by dbskyler, meneleth]

30: (not the first words)
"The flowers may rise in spring,
The trees may bud, the waters run,
The merry finches sing,
Or there maybe 'tis cloudless night
And swaying beeches bear the elven-stars as jewels white
Amid their branching hair." [In Western Lands aka Sam's Song by J.R.R. Tolkien, tune by Donald Swann; guessed by lolmac Beth]

Aaaand... that is a pretty fair cross-section of my music! Although I was sad not to have The Ballad of the Lone Centurion pop up. Because it is awesome.

music, music: folk, meme

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