Ooh, this looks fun!

Oct 23, 2011 14:38

'In honor of All Hallow's Eve, I'm inviting trick-or-treaters to my 'door.' Comment "trick-or-treat" to this post and...well, you know the drill. Treats can be anything that strikes my fancy (pics of fave actors or pairings, one sentence fics, graphics, a few words why I'm glad to have you on my flist, etc. etc.). The more "houses" to visit the ( Read more... )

halloween, meme

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justice_turtle October 25 2011, 02:26:46 UTC
Hm, this is hard; so many of the awesome things in our shared fandoms are things you've pointed me at.

Um - let's see! I guess I'll just throw fic-recs at this comment and see if anything sticks. XD

I did a fic-recs comment for sophia_sol a bit ago; I'm not sure if you saw it, but all the things in it are awesome, and given our similar tastes in fandoms, you'd probably like at least some of them.

Also: I do not know if you are familiar with the "This Time Round" Who-'verse (it is an exceedingly cracky place wherein all the characters exist outside continuity, Adric gets killed a lot, and there is a daycare with mini-versions of all the characters), but the one where Jamie reads the mini!characters Macbeth must be seen to be appreciated. It is in my opinion THE BEST. XD (Also, Nine as MacDuff! *loves*)

And! Because I seem to recall a slightly derailed conversation in which you had not heard of cakefic: please read Topping! by lost_spook. In which the Tenth Doctor falls into a cake baked by Delgado!Master, the Third Doctor is snippy and dignified, and Donna saves the day. Also there are pink elephants. XD


lost_spook October 25 2011, 12:29:31 UTC

Sorry (I was only here replying to dbskyler) but then I saw this! TTR! I mean, I have fallen from the path of meta Outside Reality fic-writing (I was not being anonymous enough, among other things), but I kind of asked John to write that (well, I dropped Hints and sulked a bit), and you are right: it's the best Storytime ever. I stopped telling people that, because they usually just don't get TTR or Storytime. So excuse me squeaking at that.

And then you went and recced a story of mine in the same comment, and, I actually kind of thought you didn't like any of my fics. (Which is a perfectly valid thing: I'm not even sure I like a lot of them. I torture innocent sentences to death much too frequently.)



justice_turtle October 25 2011, 16:27:25 UTC
'I actually kind of thought you didn't like any of my fics.'

Hrm! This is bad. I do have a terrible habit of not reviewing, but I like quite a few of your fics, yes. You might also like to take a look at that fic-recs comment I linked, for the person I was reccing to asked for (among other things) Doctor Who, Swallows & Amazons, Georgette Heyer, and Jane Austen, and I was like "ooh, I know an author you are going to LOVE!!!"

Also I picked "Topping" because I think it is honestly the best of the cakefics, though that didn't make it into the comment. It is the one I always think of when I think of cakefic. So. *nods*

*is in a hurry, so apologies for any typos / misspeaking*


lost_spook October 25 2011, 19:33:39 UTC
Aw. I mean, I never thought it in a bad way, because you were nice about the meme ficlets I wrote for your prompts - I just assumed that if you'd looked at anything else you'd been unimpressed (& fair enough, :lol:) - and of course, I've been writing less & less since I've known you. (I did get a bit funny about writing last year, but even in dark times, Calufrax is a good cure: paranoia & morbidity fail in the face of solid recs!)

And *bad me*: for confessing that, I am rewarded with further compliments & look, I am apparently awesome, ooh. But I was so pleased, anyway. It was a good thing! In a roundabout way. I can cross off 'one day write something cool enough to impress jt' off my to-do list. :-)

Aha. Yes, I had two more Heyer fics sketched out & I'd love to do them. When I can. The ideas/WIP pile still grows to unrealistic proportions even when I'm not writing!

Also: that Patrick Troughton pic! It is amazing and was what lured me down the page...


justice_turtle October 26 2011, 22:35:30 UTC
'Also: that Patrick Troughton pic! It is amazing'

INDEED IT IS. I'm having so much fun hunting up awesome treats for everyone. (I've just posted another of my random collection of Troughton pics, for Skyler. Robin Hood with children on tricycles, apparently? O_O)


lost_spook October 28 2011, 16:53:20 UTC
Aw. I've seen a pic before of him as Robin Hood, but not one like that! Awww. ♥


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