More book-related nattering

Oct 13, 2011 15:20

So lost_spook said "yay for having nice books to read!" and I was starting to chatter at her about ALL THE NICE BOOKS (and possibly nice books) that I have found on Project Gutenberg and not read yet, and it began to be... a bit infinitely long. So I moved it to a post! XD

Cut for the sake of your freedom of choice about whether to read it )


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justice_turtle October 14 2011, 01:03:38 UTC
Well, it's not massively long. It's just that... for someone who never got married, Louisa May Alcott has this incredible obsession with pairing EVERYBODY off. You see it a little bit even in Little Women - Jo/Bhaer, Laurie/Amy, Meg/John, and Beth doesn't get married because she dies. Which, I mean, it seems perfectly normal; that's how things happen, sometimes.

But then you read Rose in Bloom. Which, if you recall, is the sequel to Eight Cousins: there are seven boys and one girl, okay, and they're all growing up. Four of the boys are old enough to get married, right? So, okay, one of the boys marries the girl, and another one marries her friend who was a supporting character in the first book. A third gets engaged to a random girl introduced for the purpose. And the fourth, who is "fast" and would not really make a good husband? Dies tragically.

And then there is Jo's Boys. It's not quite so obvious, because Nan doesn't get married and Bess doesn't die (although I still get slightly cranky about the "strong women don't get married" trope as exemplified in Nan - I always thought Nan/Tommy would work out much better), but you have randomly pasted on Tommy/Dora, plus Nat/Daisy, Demi/random girl, Franz/random girl, AND Emil/random girl! And of course one-sided Dan/Bess UST - and because Dan wouldn't make a suitable husband either, his story ends with his death. Death or marriage, take your pick. *snarky*

Er, that did get fairly long... ;P


sophia_sol October 14 2011, 01:28:58 UTC
Huh, interesting! I never really thought about these books from that perspective before. But you make a very good point.

(I'm totally cool with Nan not getting married because she is AWESOME and also I am happy to think of her as ace. And I actually like that there's a lot of random girls, because really most people don't actually marry their childhood friends but people they meet in their adult lives.)


justice_turtle October 14 2011, 02:54:53 UTC
...did you do Yuletide last year? And were you the person who requested ace!Nan? Because if so, I think that might be why I originally friended you. *absent-minded* For it is an awesome idea, and makes me happy! :-) It is much better than "well, there is a strong-minded smart lady and a fluffy sweet homemaker, and strong-minded girls Don't Get Married, for the fluffy sweet ones make better wives" - a trope which has depressed me for many years, as I am not fluffy. ;P

(I don't mind the random girls as much as I do the DEADNESS for everyone who doesn't get married. Except Nan. They just kind of serve to emphasize - "here's a girl for Franz! here's a girl for Emil! here's a girl for Demi! here's a girl for Tommy! Oops, no girl for Dan; he has to go out West and get deaded, for he is Unsuitable for a girl twelve years his junior and clearly there is nobody else for him evar." Sorry, this conversation is obviously making me a bit cranky. *wry face*)


sophia_sol October 14 2011, 03:00:08 UTC
Hee, yes, that was indeed me! And I think...I think you commented on my yuletide letter? But didn't friend me until rather later, having wandered back over to my journal from asexual_fandom, I believe.

(Everything about Dan's ending makes me super-cranky. If it weren't for the awesome yuletide fic about Dan/Bess that already exists I totally would have requested that instead. Because it is so stupid that because of his class background and whatever he just isn't suitable for a Proper Girl like Bess. IT MAKES ME ALL OF THE ANGRY. Dan is awesome.)


justice_turtle October 14 2011, 03:21:32 UTC
That sounds accurate to me! Well, I am glad I friended you, however it happened! XD

(OH HHERTZOF. This story. SO MUCH OF THE AWESOME. I must go and review it! Because, you know, Bess being an actual person instead of the ethereal angel who would be STAINED by someone as grubby as Dan daring to love her! And yet being completely consistent with canon. I WANT MORE FIC IN THIS 'VERSE NOW! *bounces*)

(Dang, it isn't on AO3. It should be! *pouts* XP)

DAN IS AWESOME. This is trufax. He is so much awesome and win. I may have identified with Dan and Nan both, somewhat, as a child. (Okay, I probably still would, if I re-read the books. *g*)


sophia_sol October 14 2011, 03:24:59 UTC
I am glad too! So that works out well. :D

(yes exactly! That story's summary as I wrote it in my pinboard bookmark is "Dan/Bess of my heart", because it IS. Because it is amazing in all the ways you say. I love it DEARLY.)

As a child I probably identified most with, idk, probably a combination of Daisy and Demi, actually. I loved Nan but in a distant and admiring kind of way.


pedanther October 14 2011, 01:52:32 UTC
sophia_sol October 14 2011, 03:02:55 UTC
...really? AHAHA. I mean, I'm totally a Jo/Bhaer shipper, but I find this hilarious anyways.

(but yeah, not sure if it helps)


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