I told you there'd be more normal content coming soon... ;-)

Jul 19, 2011 23:51

Classic example of the way my brain doesn't quite sit right to fandom:

The other day, a vid sprang full-formed into my head. Shots, lines, everything all complete. Really quite a good vid (IMO) - the sort that would make me learn to vid just to make it, despite my hatred of timed-stuff-editing programs.

It's Faramir/Eowyn post-Pelennor. None of the shots I need to make it exist. o_O

(Judging by the lighting and line quality, they're all from the fantasy-casting animated!LOTR in my head. Which is sort of Brothers Hildebrandt style w/r/t Faramir/Eowyn, if you're wondering - there are a lot of different animation styles in this movie.)

*thinks again about learning to draw...*

(Although: who vids LOTR to the Monkees anyway? O_O Yes, I'm very good at sour grapes. *g*)

general waffling, fandom: lord of the rings, viddery

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