Here we go again... ;-)

Aug 19, 2011 12:07

fic_rush is starting in about eight hours! :D *excited*

For those who haven't heard me natter about it before: Fic_Rush is a writing marathon. That's like a writing sprint, where people get together and write as much as they can in [x] minutes, only it runs for 48 hours. Obviously, nobody stays the whole time; we all just drop in when we can.

It's one weekend a month, from midnight Fri/Sat to midnight Sun/Mon GMT. (Here's a time zone converter.) You can write whatever you like - fiction, essays, college application letters, what have you - and there are hourly chatter posts in fic_rush_48.

(There is also a long-standing and honourable tradition of Extreme Silliness. Glowsticks, alien fish, quantum ninja penguins *see icon* and crackfic make regular appearances. It's fun.)

So drop in sometime this weekend and tell us what you're writing! :D

fic_rush, psa

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