
Dec 01, 2005 19:48


It took me being okay with being alone,
to be ready to rejoin the crowd.
I am not rejoining the crowd, but finally allowing myself to be a part of it
That´s if they´ll have me,
but now I know I am good enough to have.
If they don´t want me that´s their problem,
Their lose,
I´ll find those that know a good thing when they see it
Their there I know they are
For they saw the good when all I saw was bad

Freezing on the top of an open air bus in Barcelona
Hope far we can go when the strain of fear is lifted
Mind clear, energy pouring down from the night sky
Freedom flowing through the veins
The veins finally embracing all rather then questioning
Questions still asked
But answers now accepted
Not always the answer that one likes to hear
But no gain is ever made when questions are asked with no desire for answers

We can change the answer
Yet it is only through strength we can get there
A strength in ourselves
One we can not get from another
Yet others can act as guides
To the fountain which garners this
The fountain that lies with in

It is alone once we can be alone, that we can be whole. Once we are whole then we can truely be.

Traveling has been greta home tommorrow, cutting out Scotland it got too complicated and i´ll see those peeps in Jan and I got to get ready for finals. Spain and Germany have been great. I really enjoy being able to refglect on trips the big 21 on Mon has caused alot of this. While I look back, that is the past, and is best used to help pave way for the future. Look at what went right what went wrong, maybe a bit of why and leave it at that. Reading a friend´s poem insprired me to write me own. Its funny every time I sit down and write I remember how much I love it and I miss it. Funny i still don´t find more time to work it in. Oh well just part of the puzzle. Peace
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