A Five Questions meme from
sophia_sol! (Because I am all stuffed up in my head with this evil cold and cannot think straight. And because it is
fic_rush and I am nowhere near clear-headed enough to write fic.)
If you want to join in the meme:
What are the three things that most attract you to a fandom
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However, not all is bad. Particularly concerning Ezri - I can see why hearing about this in advance would make you raise an eyebrow and worry, but I think that triangle was actually handled pretty well. Although, I've never had a problem with Ezri. So I suppose people who don't like Ezri would like it less...
Oooooh, I, too, love Ferengi episodes! :D I think there aren't any straight-forward Ferengi episodes, which is a shame, BUT and here's a big but - they do some really cool stuff with the Ferengi and Quark in other episodes. One of them, BTW, is something that starts in the Siege of AR-558, which I'm sure you've already heard about that it's just about one of the most magnificent DS9 (and Star Trek) episodes ever.
I think there's only one Mirror!Universe episode left? TBH - I would have stopped after the first one, so I'm not really in a position to judge. I loved Crossover but the rest felt a bit meh-ish, and became worse the more they progressed. Although there's a couple of pretty good jokes on this one.
Anyway! Things are not as shiny, true, and could have been better, true, and some of the things they did there made me bang my head on the desk (or wall, or hand) repeatedly. But there are still some gorgeous stuff in that season and you should watch it!
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