Single political post for the season.

Oct 04, 2008 00:22

I was able to register to vote via the portal at the Consul's web page thankfully. I rather doubt it will be particularly easy for it to be sidelined as it has been the last two elections.

Because of that happening the last two go rounds, and the party membership of those who were responsible for that happening, it has permanently impacted my voting preferences.

Regardless, there is no point for people to be waving their epeen's about, or pontificating, or browbeating on the issue, as I have read repeatedly on the net by well intentioned folk who don't often think before they post.

If you have the right to vote, go get yourself registered, get as clear of a view on the various candidates as you can, bone up on the issues from local through federal, and on the day make your vote.

For whomever you believe to be the correct candidate.

Not for who your friends tell you, not for who the press tells you, not for who your party tells you.

Vote for whomever you believe to be the best option.

Don't apologize for your vote and don't bitch if your candidate doesn't make it into office. The nation has had enough of that over the last several years.

Exercise your privilege to participate in the process. If you really don't like the outcome, don't make dramatic statements about moving to where ever, everyone recognizes that for the bald faced lie that it is. Get involved, work to change the system in a positive manner. Try learning to give something back to the nation you have been living fat, dumb and happy all you life in.

Or shut the fuck up.
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