
Dec 26, 2037 00:00


friends only

layout & f-o formatting credit: ohcodey

Hi! I'm pretty much ridiculous, all the time. If that's your thing, feel free to friend me! I basically friend back if (1) you comment over here so I know where you found me (2) you've got entries in your journal (3) we've got a thing or two in common.

I spend a lot of time talking about dorky things, like Harry Potter. I mostly update about my life, though, since lately I've been failing at having fannish thoughts. But I do have lots of fandomy interests! Including: Supernatural, bandom, Sherlock Holmes (book, movie, and BBC mini-series canon, please!), Merlin, new Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Inception, Psych, and oh god maybe even more than that. I also really would like to talk about faeries more, but no one else ever cares. /o\

I am kinda shit at updating and being around lately, but I'm trying to fix it! I miss having internet friends, they're the best. <3

ryanross is gay. deal with it. done., the southerner is a newspaper, p!atd: now exclaiming (mostly) drug-free, gay gay gay we're all gay, sticky, i can haz friends?

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