Nov 20, 2008 08:10
Okay, I'm done with the blonde. Really, if I don't let this go it's going to eat me alive. I accomplished my mission, now it's time to move on & forget she ever existed.
Well, her husband emailed me back. It was simple.... Please call me, I'd like to talk.
I debated calling, really I was done, I didn't want to. BUT, I'm the one who started it & I did want to stress to him I wasn't trying to start drama & hope for their children's sake this would be the eye opener.
I called, he answered. I asked who it was & he said his name. I asked if his wife was there & he said presently. I then told him I had no interest in talking to him with her there, I don't want the drama. He asked if I would call in 15 minutes. Yes.
I called back & simply said I was sorry for even telling him. I had huge mixed emotions by this point & wished I could take it back. Really, he was probably one of the nicest guys I've ever talked to. He told me not to be sorry & then said "If this was opposite you'd of wanted me to tell you." Yeah, he's right. He then thanked me for telling him what he deserved to know, he said I had to be an amazing person to have the balls to tell him what nobody else did & I deserve huge credit. I guess his friends have known various things for a long time & it's just now all coming out.
The best part of this whole story.... They are already seperated. The week before she went to Ty's she got wierd & had no interest in even trying. He said he wanted a divorce after she said she "ran into Ty at the movie store" because immeadietly he knew it had to do with that. And sure enough, they officially seperated days after she went to Tys. He said this use to bother her when they'd fight like this, now she acts like it's no big deal. She's already sent her 11 year old to live with family 6 hours away because "she doesn't have time for all 4 kids & the oldest isn't his so he won't keep her all the time like he does the younger 3".
He explained that she really is crazy. She's always been crazy, but he loved her. He now feels like her brilliant plan was she'd leave her husband, ship her one kid away, give him the other 3, convince Ty to be with her & go live happily ever after in her demented little world & it all backfired. He confronted her & she lied her ass off & he caught her in all of them I guess. He said he wanted the divorce, but my ammo is what really made him realize he's been blind for the last 8 years & what he's suspected is true. He talked very highly of his children & said the only thing he got out of this relationship was 3 beautiful babies. I guess he has an appointment with an attorney soon. He'd already retained him, now just needs to do it. He also mentioned that she smokes a lot of pot, it's her main concern & she has never cared that she's risking her children's lives by doing it (sounded like she did the whole time she was pregnant & now puts that before them still). Oh & she says I'm crazy.
He said he completely believes that nothing happened with Ty, she's just the type to get an idea & not let it go. He said everything Ty told me from the past was true. And then he laughed & told me that if Ty would really want to be with her he was crazy too & just from talking to me he knows I can do better if that's the choice he'd ever make.
I just kept stressing I didn't want the drama & did regret this. I don't even know this guy, but feel bad. I commented on how I hoped the divorce wasn't me & that really they have 3 kids that need them both. He assured me the divorce has been coming & they've been seperated for about a month. He finally thanked me again & told me if I ever wanted to talk about anything else again I was free to call whenever & if he ever learned anything he thought I should know he'd be emailing me. Finished the convo with if he ever ran into me we could have a beer & I said good bye. *Side note: He had his children. She was finding some weed. And I know he can't do it due to his high paying job & risk of u/a"
I'm still a little shocked. I knew she was crazy. But to leave your husband & children. Send your other child away that has only known this life her whole 11 years. All because you want a guy you slept with 8 years ago? This makes NO sense to me. How can you be that dumb? Obviously, my fears were right about her coming over. She had ulterior motives.
But I do need to quit stressing over it. She's crazy & I don't need to let her ruin my life over it. I trust Ty & need to show him this. And really, if he wants the bitch he'll dig his own hole & get busted eventually.
So, I'm now working on just letting it go, forgetting her & moving on. As Ty told me Monday "We are better then this."
Alright, I've got one minute to get to work! Good thing I work 1/2 block away.