
Oct 10, 2004 11:01

The only son of Lily and James Potter, Harry was born on July 31, 1980. James Potter, who came from a long line of wizards, and Lily Evans, who was muggle-born, met at Hogwarts and married shortly after graduation. They were both killed at the end of Voldemort’s first reign of terror. Harry is famous for being not only the first person to ever survive the killing curse, but also because he appeared to be the reason for Voldemort’s fall and subsequent disappearance. An orphan with no relatives still living in the magic world, Harry was placed in the care of his mother’s sister and her husband.

These two unlikable people were not happy with having to take care of then one-year old Harry, and the treated him poorly since that time. In fact, their treatment of him has been tantamount to emotional abuse and neglect, so that by the time Harry appeared at the front gates of Hogwarts shortly after his eleventh birthday, he was slightly physically underdeveloped from a lack of proper nutrition. The less said about his relatives, the better.

Like his parents, Harry was placed into Gryffindor House upon arrival at Hogwarts. However, he holds the shameful secret that the sorting hat wanted to put him into Slytherin. He sincerely hopes that this was only because of his ability to speak Parseltongue, a gift apparently given to him by Voldemort on the fateful night of his parents’ murders. Besides being told by most of the staff at Hogwarts that he looks like his father, he also has inherited his father’s quidditch ability, and at the age of eleven, became the youngest seeker in a century, according to McGonagall. He did, however, inherit his mother’s startlingly green eyes, a physical trait that makes him appear similar to his nemesis, Tom Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort and Voldie the Moldie.

Since coming to Hogwarts, Harry has had to live with the difficulty of having fame thrust on him for something he can’t remember. He also learned in his third year that the fame should have gone to his mother instead, who sacrificed herself and thus creating the shield that protected baby Harry from evil Voldemort. He is an average student who has some natural talent in charms (from his mother), transfiguration (from his father), and Defense Against the Dark Arts (from surviving Voldie the Moldie five times). His love is for quidditch, wherein he can forget everything and just focus on a single task far above the ground.

It would be difficult to identify the major turning events for Harry’s life because he has lived through so much. In his third year, he found that, without protection, he got almost every girl in Hogwarts pregnant he fainted whenever he was near a Dementor. The reason, as Dumbledore said, is that Harry has suffered far more painful events in his life than most people his age. Probably the most recent significant event occurred at the end of Harry’s fifth year. Dumbledore explained that a prophesy was made of him and Voldemort. Harry now knows that he is the only one who can actually defeat Voldemort, a great burden that he is only just starting to come to terms with.

Harry will now need to balance his school duties with quidditch and extra training lessons that will hopefully save both his life and that of the magical world. He originally hoped to become an auror, but extensive time spent dealing with nasty people like Voldemort has made him rethink that choice. He doesn’t know what he wants to do for a career, but he avoids thinking about it as much as possible because he doesn’t fully believe that he will live to see his eighteenth birthday.

He has dipped into dating a little bit, but is still unsure about his own tastes, as he finds himself attracted to both men and women. He would not enjoy long walks along the beach unless it involved sex. He does like to draw though, and finds it to be a good way to work out his nightmares and feelings. He is secretly afraid of deep water and swimming, though he loves being high above the ground and enjoys spending time on top of Hogwart’s towers. He sees the Weasley’s as his family and secretly loves it when Molly coddles him and makes him sweaters. He is not looking forward to his sixth year of school because he expects that he will be mentioned in the press quite often now that he is in the magic world’s good graces again. His favorite color is green.
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