How is it i can technically be putting fewer hours into my working week overall, yet still seem to have no time to keep in touch with people, long distance friends?
Take for instance this weekend. I had the whole weekend off. Left work at 5pm on Friday, didn't go back until 7:45am on Monday. Yet I feel I'm so behind on keeping up with my friends. Granted, I took the weekend and really enjoyed the real world for a change. Friday night was, I think, movies with the girls. Saturday was a few more movies, long coffee out with
mrslukeshamus then hanging out with her family that evening. Sunday was the flea market, and sneaking in a trip to the bakery.
Guess when you finally have time, real life is an option.
Cool stuff on the work front. I was sort of set free today to just work. Got my log-in to the instrument, ran all the QC and instrument samples, set myself up on a bench and did a few test patients for my check off sheets, then after lunch, my supervisor told me to just do what needed to be done and if I had any questions, she'd be in the corner doing paperwork. I had a few questions, but I managed two full patient work ups beginning to end, both "complex".
Before I left she asked me how I felt about my competency. I told her I was feeling stronger about it, and that the things I felt needed improvement really were the kinds of things that improve with experience (like learning to juggle the workload efficiently, knowing what can wait, and what can't.)
"Exactly." she says. "And you're doing great so far. Tomorrow I'll let you do that same thing, just come in and work on your own and I'll be around if you need help." Wooohooooo!
I'm just enjoying the hell out of this. and just think, in two days, I'll have been there a full month. Can you believe it?