Jul 30, 2005 13:44
Ok, I didn't have time last night to finish writing everything that happened last week, so here we go again. You might want to read the entry before this, because you will totally not understand this if you don't. :p Sorry it's so long...
Anyhoo...so Jon is going into the water to find Betty who's (not) at the lifeguard chair. Jon got half his cabin, and half of another cabin and went into the water to go 'save' Betty. Of course, Betty wasn't there, she was in my pocket, lol. Which is weird, because Jon's LTD (Eric) knew she was in my pocket...yet...he still told Jon that she was at the lifeguard chair...and believed it himself...odd child. Anyways, Jon later came back, knowing she wasn't there, obviously, as he looked. He was sooo mad. He wouldn't even look at us or anything. We all (except Fraser, lol) felt really bad.
Mwahaha, before supper Jill and I drew on 'Betty' with a sharpie, giving her eyes, a nose and a mouth and writing 'Veronica/Sven' on the handle.
At supper, when Jill was handing out scrapers, she gave Betty (now Veronica) to Fraser's cabin. A few minutes later, Fraser stands up and starts yelling "I have Veronica!" and Jon stands up and yells "That man is a liar! He's lying! It's Betty!" It was sooo funny! Freddy jumped up and ran to Jon's rescue. You see, he used to be in the army, so he knows these weird pressure points or something, and actaully started trying one on Fraser, who immediatly surrendered Betty/Veronica/Sven to Freddy (who gave it to Jon).
A little bit later, when the dining hall was sorta starting to clear out, Fraser was standing at the dishpit window talking to Neil about what we'd done at the beach and Eric was standing there scraping his dishes. All of a sudden Fraser looks over at him, grabs Betty out of his hand and runs out of the dining hall. Man, it all happened so fast it was hilarious! I'm not even joking. :p 15-20 minutes afterwards, when Jill and I were still doing dishes, we still couldn't get over how awesome it was. lol.
Anyhoo, so, the next day. We were walking to our cabin, past Fraser and Jill says "So, how's Veronica?" and he said fine that he had her hidden and that we should send Jon on a scavenger hunt to go get her (which is what we were gonna do earlier that week, but changed our minds). So we did! Fraser was kinda suprised that we actually did it, but thought it was awesome. We had to hide the little cards everytime Krystal walked past (as she is Jon's friend and would probably tell him). It was awesome :p
Anyways, Fraser offered to help us out, and help us out he did! He and Neil actually climbed ontop of Cabin 12 and stuck one of the clues ontop of it! They'd climbed ontop of it for the LTD search earlier that week.
It was so awesome, we gave Jon the first card, and then Jill, Fraser and I followed him around the camp (actually, we drew quite a crowd). And Jon really liked it, and he wasn't ungratefull or anything, he was really nice. When he had to go onto the roof of Cabin 12 he was SO scared coming down. We didn't know he was scared of heights, if we did we wouldn't have gotten him to go ontop of it. I apologized to him right afterwards, but he said it was alright, he didn't mind, and was nice about it.
Anyways, so he finally got to the spatula (which we hid in the dishpit, under the rags box) and Fraser and I both had our cameras out. Fraser took a picture, and I took a video clip (which I have on my computer, I just have to figure out how to upload it). It's hilarious because it's RIGHT when he gets it and he's like "Yes! YES!" and then poses for a picture. It's sooo funny. Ah man, good times good times! And Jon thanked us for the search, saying it was fun. He even made a song on the guitar about how he got Betty back and how she was so awesome. Mwahaha, we'll see what happens next week. :P I can't wait.