Nov 20, 2006 08:39
i forgot how good it felt to wake up at 7am, read the paper, drink my coffee, and get shit done
i absolutely love it... and i'm going to fall back into this habit... i'm such an old woman
so work broke me down on Friday.. i left crying at 9:30 even though i was supposed to close at 12
i work so goddamn much and never complain and give my all.. partly because i was MADE to work for the rest of my life, and partly because i'm a passive aggressive and i never complain
so i broke down to the owner and told him how much i hated him ... we're better now
and i'm trying, and im trying, and i'm trying.. cuz i cant afford not to
registered for classes... eek i'm so excited for next year!!... Newspaper & Editing and Intro. to Desktop Publishing are gonna be ssoooo great!!.. not to mention argumentative writing and modern civilization... i want to be fed so much information that i choke on it...
like the Allegory of the Cave in The Republic, i want to see the light and let it hurt my eyes and adjust and know that it is great
myyyyy kkkaaaallllll