Oct 08, 2020 21:46
Here's yet another one of a multitude of answers to my prayers. Sometimes people say "prayer works", but doesn't that depend on the one to whom you are praying? You could pray to a brick wall, but it wouldn't answer you. God answers because He is all-powerful, gracious, kind, and merciful. It's not the prayer that works, it's God.
One morning last year, I woke up feeling agitated and irritable. No idea why. Just very very irritable! And it was persistent too, not waxing and waning. I couldn't identify any cause for it, which was perplexing.
On my drive to work I noticed I was directing a lot of that irritation and anger toward God. That scared me. It is not ok to be angry with God. That's just as foolish as being angry at the one strand of rope you are desperately clinging to, while certain death awaits you below. But I was angry at anybody, everybody, and everything including God for some strange reason, and I never could figure out why.
When things happen like this, my usual response is to feel ashamed. And then I want to run and hide and not tell God about it. But instead this morning, I prayed "Dear God, I don't know why but I am angry at You and everything, but I don't want to be! Please take it away!"
This time, I didn't feel His presence or hear any type of communication from Him. I didn't even know for sure if He had heard me, but by the time I got to work, I noticed all the anger was gone! Just competely gone and stayed gone too. I had a good day at work.
He really does hear us if we seek Him with all our hearts. Even if it seems your prayers aren't getting any higher than your nose. He hears.