Oct 31, 2008 09:02
So, it's just a few days before the election. I think this one is probably the most important one we've ever had.
We've got a man whose middle and last names should put us in mind of two of the most horrible and tyrannical leaders in modern history: Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Just 7 short years ago, these two figures were involved in the horror of September 11th - one caused it, the other applauded what happened.
Why is it that a majority of Americans have forgotten this? I'm not saying we should play the name association game here. After all, Barrack Hussein Obama could be a Republican espousing the right to life for all unborn babies, lower taxes, less government, more individual liberties, the right to own a gun, the right to free speech - even if we disagree, and capitalism. Then his name wouldn't matter.
But take a look at his policies of killing the unborn or the mostly born, increasing government thereby taking away more of our God-given liberties , raising taxes on the hard-working middle class (of which I am one) for the purpose of giving it to the lazy, good-for-nothings, who will not work so that they qualify for welfare (and this is just for starters.) And remember that although he is playing the black race card, he is mostly Arab/Caucasian. Now, his middle and last name should scare you. And there are two of his friends, Ayres and "Reverend" Wright with their shady dealings and ungodly philosphies. If that's not enough to scare some sense into you, then I don't know what will. And then there's the coup de gras.....the liberal media - who are telling John Q. Public nothing but good things about Obama/Biden and bad things about Mccain/Palin. I don't think the Republicans can win, for losing. I hope and pray that I'm wrong. But that has me worried too. When was the last time God overtook your will and made you vote for the other guy?
I liken today's general discontent with the Republicans to that of the days following Watergate in 1974 and President Nixon's resignation from office. People wanted to crucify Nixon. What he did was wrong, no doubt about that. But those who wanted to crucify him were guilty of the same or worse; it's just they didn't get caught. Then along came a breath of fresh air; someone unknown, someone who smiled a lot and spoke soothing words: Jimmy Carter. And he won that election hands down. Retribution against the Republicans was swift and sweet. But then four short years later, everyone was sick of Carter and wanted him out....
If we don't learn the lessons of history we are doomed to repeat them. Now fast-forward to the present day.
Nowadays, John Q. Public, who believe everything they hear and see on CNN/Fox/ABC/etc... .to be the gospel truth, are sick and tired of the Republicans and want them out. They want a breath of fresh air, someone who smiles a lot and speaks soothing words...and along comes Barrack Hussein Obama, using a very soothing word "change". He fits their bill. But they are forgetting that the word change is benign. It needs a qualifier. Do they want change for the better or for the worse? The latter is what I believe we will get with Obama. Socialism, anyone? Communism, anyone? Obama/Biden 2008!
How strange it is that you have to practice driving and study and take a test and pass it to get a driver's license, but anyone, 18 or older, can vote? That shouldn't be. You should have to study history, economics, foreign policy, domestic policy and pass those classes with at least a B. (Or you could place out of these classes by being a registered Republican! Hey it's MY journal!) Then study all the policies and performances of all the candidates, without the help of the liberal media, take a test and pass it BEFORE you will be allowed the privilege to vote. But as it is right now, our future is in the hands of a general public with a mean IQ of 100 (I'm being generous - probably 90), who have rings in their snouts, being dragged along and fed by the liberal media. How appropriate that today is Hallowe'en. Now witches and goblins and black cats don't scare me. But ignoramuses who are registered to vote do. And there seem to be enough of them supporting Barrack Hussein Obama to put him in office.
And the election is just a few days away...