Sep 19, 2006 08:07
well well well....this journal is collecting dust.
Let's news....
Well I started College at CCC. Things are going good. No compliants really. It's nice to see my friends again and the ole crew C4 HOOOOORAYYYY.
I got a new laptop. I is excited about it lol. I bought all by parental help. like some people I know. *cough BOMBER cough* I just downloaded Itunes and LimeWire. hehehehe
Ryan and I are going on 5 Months straight. techinally about 1yr and 3 months. We are going to take a trip up to Reading, PA in the begining of october. I'm happy about that cuz my rents are not going to be there!!! for three whole days!!!. Go me. lol im wierd I know. I asked Ryan what is better..."Spending three days in a row with me or.....seeing me in a bikini?" he hestatied...thats sad hehe but I still Love him. hehe. Plus we get to go SHOPPING!!!! my second favorite sport...first favorite is NASCAR....they're making a left turn!!!! they're making another left turn!!! hehe good times. Ryan and I are at a good pt in our relationship. Im Happy. IT's rare I know. I feel lucky to have someone like him in my life. Some people think he a tough shit asshole but deep down inside he is really decent guy. I love him I dont know what I would do without him. *happy sigh*
My brother is comming home soon. I can't wait. He's gonna meet my boyfriend. I'm a little scared about that.
I started a Karate Class. ITs fricking awesome. I have a lot of my friends in that class with me. Kristi, Niki, Chris, Jinene, and Pat's sister. its cool. and i think im getting good at it. ive been practicing. *smile*
well I didnt get any sleep last night. I was up til 2 in the morning talking to one of my friends cuz I couldnt sleep. Tossed and turned and still couldnt fall asleep...sooo im running on 24hrs with no sleep and I still don't feel tired at all. MAn Im gonna crash later. Ugh.
Well Im gonna go look for some food for later peace out
April Lynn
5 days!!!!