Aug 09, 2009 10:59
Julia: So what does your fortune cookie say?
Megan: *pulls it out* AAAAAAH D8 *shows blank slip*
Julia: OH MY GOD.
Megan: Just kidding! *flips slip over*
-Later that same evening-
Megan: Somedays, all I want to do is pull on a pair of jeans and a shirt, but then I think 'Would Lady Gaga settle for this? NO. She would look FABULOUS.' and then I make an outfit, do the face and put on the heels.
Alex: OH!
The rest of us: What happened?
Alex: My toenail just fell off!
Melanie: God, Alexandra, GET VITAMINS.
Ally: I don't think that's supposed to happen...
After watching New in Town:
Melissa: You know, this could make a good drinking game. Every time they say 'tapioca' we'd take a shot.
Melanie: Oh God, we'd be unconscious after like five minutes.
Caribou Coffee Guy: Hey, I haven't seen you two in a while! Where've you been?
Mom: Starbucks.
And about a million other funny little conversations dappling the summer.
Watched MST3K: The Movie last night. Yes, they made a MOVIE that went to THEATRES. It was pretty good, though admittedly nothing compares to 'The Final Sacrifice' which - were you to watch it - would enable you to automatically understand roughly 28% of what Julia says. I love that show. So much. And did I mention that I caved in and bought that episode on DVD? Hey, it was cheap.
In other news: the household has grown decidedly Japanese with the arrival of the patriarch, giving Julia much joy. So much good food! So much Japanese being spoken!
Reading Everything is Illuminated and, somehow or other, finding myself listening to a great deal of Guns N' Roses. Neither of which are terribly Japanese.
Also: had to look up a 'concrete' definition of hipster on Urban Dictionary after being called one TWICE in a SINGLE DAY. I mean, I had a vague, nebulous idea of what a hipster was but no actual 'definition' - as if Urban Dictionary could be considered a legitimate dictionary. 'Kay. First of all, I don't wear ironic t-shirts. I hate ironic t-shirts. Secondly, alright yes, I mainly listen to indie/alternative music, talk about music/books/movies, wear skinny jeans, and yes I drink chai very often. But I wash my hair often (AND it's naturally coloured) and shower daily! I'M NOT A HIPSTER. I don't WANT to be one!
First I was called a hippy, now a hipster. Why am I incorrectly being labeled?!