OK, So here's the list for '06. I've cut it down from over 50 links to... whatever this is :-P I'm not too happy with it, I feel like I left a lot out. But it should entertain you for a time :-) The ones here are ones I think people should waste some time on :-) enjoy
Enjoy, be sure to come back when you have time to waste!
http://www.jonathangullible.com/mmedia/PhilosophyOfLiberty-english_music.swf Just a good watch, I suggest you take 5 minutes out of your life for this little animation.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R8_wUaziqc Matrix Ping Pong! I think many of you have seen this by now, but I love it so much.
http://www.joyriderfilms.co.uk/reuben_sutherland/phoenix_foundation.mov Cool commercial. How do they DO that? This is what a Honda feels like
http://www.killermookie.org/flash/The_Dead_Alewives-Dungeons_and_Dragons.swf This made me laugh, lots of fun memories from my friends at TCU regarding this. We like to maje fun of D&D :-P
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/video/multitouch Cool little thing, the future of the computer art programs? Cool to look at :-)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2281247210449058852&q=yankovic Very funny :-) I think you should watch it.
http://www.unf-unf.de/gum.html Fun little puppet with a silly way of communicating. Cheer him on as he does his trick! :-)
http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=8622 Sad? Or inspiring? You be the judge.
http://www.starterupsteve.com/flash/html/love.shtml These are fun :-) Just something to click.
http://www.theblackforge.net/ Text game. Go through your life again, by making certain choices. I got pretty into it and when I ended the game, I felt a nice peaceful feeling come over me. I can only hope I feel like that when I really come to the end of my life. I definately recommend you try this one
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRmqZRPgK1w&mode=related&search= What can I say, I loved it :-D
http://bigstonehead.net/store/how-to-be-a-to-z/ I laughed out loud a few times reading this :-D so funny. A childrens book you will never see.
http://sevenload.de/videos/MGPNHMR-Flatlife I highly suggest you check this one out too! Life in an apartment. Very well written :-)
http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1727961 Also very well done. Some people have too much time on their hands, but I get to enjoy it, so I guess I'm ok with that :-)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr3x_RRJdd4&eurl= An inspiring true story: The Free Hugs Campaign
http://www.strike-the-root.com/51/walker/walker1.html Yes, I still want to move to Switzerland.
http://www.c00lstuff.com/51/Halo_Music_Video_Hell/ I don't care if you hate Halo (as I do) or love it, this video will entertain you :-) Music videos acted out :-)
Thats all I'm gonna post. Yes, this is the narrowed down list :-P And I said that some people have too much time on their hands. Look at me.