Jan 18, 2010 21:38
Lethe~... sweetness... you are around, aren't you? You do still sing, don't you? [Sing sing I'm not actually ever sure if you ever sang or just spoke spoke spoke and that's just why you can't remember everything (or do you remember too much?) because you've spoke it out your head...] Either way, I really would appreciate it... A nap would do me good.
A nap would do everyone some good, I think~... It's just so stressful out there. That young man was rather... high-strung.
Walk faster walk faster, they say, move out of the way.
I must have fallen asleep again and not realized things have changed.
I suppose it wouldn't be the first time.
Ah... e v e r y o n e knows you sleep better when you sleep with others.
Who would care to be a body pillow?
Thanatos~? Pasithea~...? You would, wouldn't you?
Pa~si~the~a, remember to bundle up if you are cold wherever you are, darling. I will see you soon, I promise.
*fallen pedestals,
blah blah blah sleep,
i am the candy man,