a very late update

Dec 18, 2020 00:07

Late... because of the time. It's 23.48. 17th.
Yesterday was my work shift's day. Early in the morning it was raining quite a bit. Thankfully when I headed out of the house it's already stopped. The short walkway from my public transport stop to the office is still wet, I had to walk slightly more carefully because it could've been slippery. Which reminds me that I saw one of the motor rider fell on my way just minutes earlier. She seems to be okay tho, other road users helped her. I'm sure she must be shocked.
By midday the sky remained cloudy and grey yet the rain didn't come down. I meant ro have a lunch break outside when I noticed that it's actually pouring very lightly. What do you call it... Not drizzle? Gotta check google. Hmm... Very light shower? Lol. Nevermind, it was actually stopped or at least it didn't bother me when I stepped outside for a quick lunch walk.
Surprisingly, the sun shone through in the afternoon when I go home. It was a nice afternoon tbh, with warm temperature and light breeze.
Anyway, today I worked from home and got a little bit stuck with a new design idea. I wasn't sure about the colour schemes and the collage arrangements. Well, even with the fonts combination too, in fact. It took me for a while until I found the composition I'm okay with. Still, there's some aspects that don't feel right. I spent the whole day tinkering with it. Guess I need to sleep it off and see what needs to be altered tomorrow (already got few ideas in mind tho).
Right, it's already 00.06 now (18th!).
Gotta sleep. Oyasuminasai~


babblings, say

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