a quest.

Dec 06, 2020 14:03

I just found out (yesterday? 2 days ago?) that listening to a day in our life: reborn has brought a bittersweet feelings inside. Not much different from machikado no koibitotachi, really. That was actually surprising, for while I found that the original version is always a fond and fun one, it certainly doesn't evoke this kind of feelings. I'm pretty sure there's some painful, longing feelings too. Unexplainable.
Sometimes, when you feel something or when you feel like understand something, you know it's there without being able to label what is that exactly. So you read, you watch, you listen, you see, you observe, or sometimes you just be still and bask on it. Time will tell you what's that feeling is. For me, since I'm best with words, it's usually came out in a passage or lyrics from the things I read, or listen, or maybe even lines from character in shows/movies. That's right, at the times when I myself fail to find the right expression of what I feel, I just borrow them from others. Does that even make sense? I'm fully aware I'm not exactly a good writer (if I am indeed one), I am sure that I'm no poet either, for sure I'm more of a dead poet one.
Rarely tho, I found them in melodies. No, I'm not exactly a musical person. I'm practically a casual listener of music. I did get a music lesson when I was at school and it only proves that I'm slightly better at numbered notes compared to my horrible readings of standard musical notes (I think I'm a little bit okay with the ABC one). I'm also a terrible player (0 talent, really). Doesn't mean that music didn't fascinate me. It always has, in fact.
Thus, the less usual instances of "music hit the spots" for me proved to be revelations. In that way, I long believe that music is indeed universal.
Back to the matters tho, a day in our life: reborn has somehow hit me on the right spot. Do I feel like I'm too busy building my castle of sand? Or maybe it's the overwhelming nostalgic feeling of the arafes live I watched one month back? I'm still contemplating and searching. Meanwhile, I will still definitely basking on this precious feeling(s).
Sorry for my ramblings.

babblings, say

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