#28+#29 ohnovember | the long road of dreams

Nov 29, 2020 22:17

Yesterday I had a great time watching islandfes jr online live. It's been a while since I properly watched jr's shows, tbh. I haven't watched shokura for ages because my limited mega space and transfer quota (as well as the lack of my office's internet access). Thankfully I could still get them from a friend.
The show was super fun!!!!! They clearly maximized the advantage of it being an online show. They play with cameras and camera angles, even utilize mirror arrangements and video effects. It feels like seeing a glimpse of the future entertainment world presented by Johnny's jrs. The future of the next generation artists. Nevertheless, I can also feel the "legacy" that's familiar with Johnny's. Of course, it's a long road of dreams they're walking from now on, which makes me more eager to support them.
#TBT last year on Nov 28th I was attending 4U's musical. It was another rainy day in Tokyo but the show has brought warmth in and out. The venue was small, thus make the experience a great deal more intimate. Yeah, that's one of the perks of musical, really. After the musical ended I headed to Tokyo dome to buy some 5x20 goods. It was freezing!!! The rain's puddles made a beautiful view tho.

On 29th, the next day, I got lucky because it was a bright day with a clear blue sky so I decided to go to see Tokyo Tower. I had a lovely brunch in the park nearby and basically had a great time throughout the day thanks to the amiable weather. Certainly a day to remember.

tbt, babblings, #tbt, say

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