update on jrs songs mp3 rips

Jul 14, 2019 11:59

I haven't been able to update the post for a while. But after months of sitting (unfinished) projects and endless procrastination I'm finally able to finished few rips (quite a while ago actually) and finally uploaded and updated the post here.

For now, it's just a few rips of January and February shokura (which was a looong time ago, I know huh), but well, it's a progress nevertheless. Just added:

2019.01.04 Cosmic Melody - Bishounen (full vers. I suppose?)
2019.01.11 Love yourself - HiHi Jets (pipl love this, obv)
2019.01.11 Subarashiki Sekai - Snowman, Sixtones, Travis Japan (because I love the song!!!)
2019.02.01 Medley - Shounen Ninja (a neat one!)
2019.02.01 baby gone - HiHi Jets (still can't get over this song, really)
2019.02.08 Happy Groovy - Travis Japan (the 'serious' vers? XP)
2019.02.08 Jesse & Taiga - Ame no Melody (with 4U) (one of fumikyun's produce and I just love the song)
2019.02.08 Kinpuri - Glass Flower ('cause I like it and I kinda feel guilty since I voted this one song rather than the others ;))

I hope all the links work~~~

Next, I plan to rip more recent shokura perfs as well as abundant yt vids and the recent music shows matsuri. Ganbaru!!!

johnnys jr, update, johnnys, shounen club, !2019

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