26.11.2018 yes, it's ohnovember!!!

Nov 26, 2018 19:28

Dear Ohno Satoshi-kun,
Happy 38th!!!!!

For others that number maybe just a number, but for everyone of us, each of our selves, it's a number that represents hard works, persistence, patience, and both pain and joy. I'm sure there were solitary times, there were also times you shared with others close to you.
For all the tears and sweats and smiles and laughters.
For every tick of the clock.
Every moment of hardship and gentleness... I'm sure you know it more than me, because obviously you're older!!! Haha. Right, just kidding ;P
Thank you for being the way you are, whether it's to be Arashi's leader, or be it Ohno Satoshi, a Johnny's idol, or Ohchan, a simple human being. I like them all. Maybe including the part I don't know about you, I respect it.
It would be so conspicuous of to me to ask you to stay the way you are, because as a human being you have the right to change. So I hope if there's anything changing then I wish it for the better. If you decide to change to be better then I can only give you my full support. I wish you health and happiness and peace and grace and wisdom.

Be happy, riida!!!

ohno, ohnovember, arashi

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