it's been a while...

Nov 25, 2017 06:46

It's trulybeen a while huh?
When was the last time I posted here?
Anyway, today is this livejournal's 6th7th(!) anniversary, I lost count!!! Wow. I definitely didn't think it would be this long.

I was busy enough with work. It's not that I'm constantly busy but with one work finished, another work came pretty soon enough I only had some short breaks in between. Which is quite nice.

On the other hand, while I wasn't able to go to Japan, this year particularly full of trips: family's and work's included. I went to 3 cities this year, including 2 (or 3?) new places I haven't been before. I managed to get my mother and sister to go on a trip (that is for lovu-lovu-aiba's wedding, hehe) with me and it made my mother very happy. Also another trip was marked as my first domestic flight experience which actually happened in my country, haha. I've been on domestic flights before 'tho, but they were in Japan.

There's also a sad news. Which is my friend from my school days has passed away recently. It was unexpected and it was so sudden. We'd been hanging around a lot around the early year of college because we have the same hobby and interest. What I can do now is pray a lot for her. I wish her for the best in peace.

Anyway, I have watched a few Japanese movies on cinemathis year, thanks to the new opened cinema in the town. Besides some Ghibli's movies due to the fest, I got to watch Gintama and Shinobi no Kuni in theatre. Which is super great. Too bad I couldn't watch JoJo because it wasn't showing in my town but rather in my neighbor town. It was rather a long trip to go there and unfortunately my schedule didn't allow to me to slip it in between the whole week JoJo was screened. Well well.

Oh yeah, I realize this is OHNOVEMBER!!!
Yet I haven't made anything Ohno-related for tomorrow...
What should I make? Hmmm...
And I still have a wedding reception to attend after this...
As usual I'm babbling again.
Well, that's all for now.

Just a pic of the beach outside town I went to in August. What a hidden gem.

travel, livejournal, ohnovember, babblings

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