Okay, I post sometimes. Like a few times a year..meh. I will most likely not be writing here anymore. But! If any of you think you will miss me, you can catch me at my new blog:
http://muzaktomyears.blogspot.com or on MySpace:
http://myspace.com./elizabeth2004 or Virb (not on there much though):
http://virb.com/elizabeth2004 or InfieldParking:
http://infieldparking.com/lennon2004 Or Facebook..I just joined there..I don't know if they have links? Anyway, yeah, I'm basically a social-networking whore. Yay for me. I hope some of you stalk..err, follow me. <3
http://muzaktomyears.blogspot.com <-- Shiny and brand new! :D