Jul 16, 2004 14:33
Tonight was fairly decent, today was actually in general. Vince came and saw me at work and took my break with me, which was a good time of him taking my lunch away from me. Ahem... I laughed a lot, okay?! Oy but after a while there, just some key "phrases" were discussed and we both got thinky again. Probably not the best, but it happens. I finished up my night at Hallmark in pretty good spirits and then headed home, heardabout some pizza/movie stuff happening and went to get my gasless McD. The whole getting pizza at 11 and then getting to lennox by 12:01 wasn't seeming to work, so we had vince pre-order and then met him there (with will). Got s'more free breadsticks and got his pizza. (D'oh... one piece, cuz I was driving while eating... it just didn't work.) Let McD hear some more of the Warped CD... ooh! I need to go buy tickets. Perhaps I should do that today?! =) Ow ow! ... anyway!
Saw I Robot thinking like hmm... this is going to be one of those nerd-fest things since they opened it the night before. I just never like those movies! But Will Smith (d'aw... mm! mcd ;) haha) and Sonny made it all better. ... Yup. Okay and the fact that AJ is precious. You know the kid has to be awesome to still be that way after all this. "Fuck Drew Burns... but not really!" =) And that was the main thing I needed. Sorry Aj, Vince, McD. Everyone else... I don't really care about your opinions, but um, thanks for the input. I know what happened, I know what it meant, get over it. But I'm glad it made the week interesting? lol