Aug 08, 2004 19:02
yeah so i just got back from NYC i really love that place. ive decided i wanna go to NYU for college. so i saw wicked and then went out to dinner. wicked was awesome. granted i miss kristin, but still it was wonderful. the new glinda (jennifer) was really good, she deff made the role her own. way cute. like during popular dueing the la la las she was prancing all around stage and she was doing the hair flip, and shes like "okay now watch, no hands....yes, thats how good youll get" yeah and joey as fiyero was pretty good, i mean he was a lot like the other one except he sang lower and was way more dreamy...yeah so then i went back the next night and got idinas picture and autograph and joeys autograph and a picture with him. and taye was there for idina, that was cute. sadly jenifer didnt come out afterwards :( yeah so then today i went to the wax mueseum (sounds stupid i know but it was pretty cool) yeah so now im home after the 2 hour train ride and im very bored, i still hafta unpack but i hate doing that so thats not gonna happen for awhile. hm well im gonna go watch some tv....ta for now