(no subject)

Feb 19, 2006 16:07

The flip side to the quizzes I took at engelskjente I'll now answer some Are You Swedish and variants quizzes.

Anything to delay doing what I have to do.

Plus despite my allegiance to norway, I have more friends who are Swedish than are Norwegian, love many many Swedish bands and well... learnt Swedish before I moved to and subsequently fell for Norway :-P

There may be 100s (wow, WHY are there so many more Swedish quizzes than Norwegian? Answers on a postcard, please!!) so most will be under a cut



How Swedish are you?
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mmmm.... pepparkakor.... had those with strawberry saft in Skellefteå :-P yum yum :-)

grattis! du ar myket dukdig! *congratulations!

you're awesome!*

How Well Do You Know SWEDISH??!!
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This next one was WAY too easy, but hey.....

You know everything about Swedish!!!!
Bor du i Sverige eller???

What do you know about Swedish???
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You're the most swedish as you can get. If you're

not living here, you should move here and

spend time with all the thousands of

soulmates -all the same-

How Swedish are you?
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Ah but Svengis is the coach for ENGLAND... eller hur? :-P

Oh very swedish. Safety, care of the invironment

and other politically correct things is

something you care a lot about. But you

haven't really considered the options, just

follow the group most of the time. You dont

speak your mind, but tell your friends when

its safe to do so. You are afraid of

conflicts with other people. You often talk

about all your bad features, but secretly you

think you're better than the rest. You're not

the leader of the group. You're a pessimist.

How swedish are you?
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Hell yeah! välkommen! u are as swedeish as I am!+ I

am a swede so that make u very swedish!

How swedish are u?
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You are as swedeish as me! Cool, go you! Message

me, maybe rate if you want to...

Are you Swedish? I am =)
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You know everything about Sweden!!!
Are you Swedish or what???
Du moste ju va svensk....

What do you know about Sweden??? (Updated)
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Wow, you're very good!!!!!
Are you from Sweden or what???
Ha en bra dag!!! =)

Do you know swedish??? (Updated)
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nejdå... jag är 100% engelsk :-P

Hello there!
Are you from Sweden too?
Youre 100% Swedish and knows exactly 99% about the


Are you Swedish?
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You are 70% Swedish..You know quite a lot about

sweden...You might be a swede..a low educated


How swedish are you? (in %)
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Very Svensk (means Swedish, duh). You love nothing

more than dancing around a pole shaped as a

male genital pretanding to be a frog, You

also love rotten fish.

How Swedish are you
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